Jayson H. Burg Pacifica News Service Associate Editor and East - TopicsExpress


Jayson H. Burg Pacifica News Service Associate Editor and East Coast Media Director, C/O Unified New Jersey Common Law Grand Jury, PMB# 126, 957 Broadway, Bayonne, New Jersey 07002, 201-240-5351, hcgj2013@aol Saturday, November 29, 2014 PLEASE SHARE! Dear New Jersey County Sheriff, I am Jayson H. Burg, the New Jersey State Coordinator of National Liberty Alliance, New Jersey and the entire Nation of all 50 States are supporting your efforts via Rallying in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, December 10, 2014 and the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association. National Liberty Alliance is not part of the “Sovereign Citizens Movement”. We are an Educational and Constitutional Organization of Volunteers. I also hold the Title of Pacifica News Service Associate Editor and East Coast Media Director. I will be there in Washington, DC, recording the event, along with other National Liberty Alliance Citizen Journalists. All these titles are great for one’s ego, but battles aren’t won with egos. Battles are won by individuals taking positive action. You are in and part of the “Heart of Battle” that will change the course of history “without having to fire a single or launching a single missile”, JHB. This will be, shall be achieved and will be aided by like minded people and organizations including National Liberty Alliance and its Allies; Standing on the Foundation of Truth, Justice, and Fair-Play within “America’s Heritage”: Virtue, Mercy, and Honor. These Values have been Usurped and Spoiled by the Corrupted and the Treasonous, up to the and including the Highest Office of Our Nation. “We the People” stand with you and your efforts to correct any and all the wrong doings. You as the Sheriff are the Power not beholding to any other Authority, as you are the top Executive of your county, not the Judges, Prosecutors or County Elective Executives. It is you who dictate positive actions, No one else. “We the People” along with your actions are overturning the Corrupt Shadow Government of America, which are Treasonous Public/Civil Servants. When the People’s Common Law is Reinstated both you and the Common Law Grand Jury shall be in concert together, aiding all County Folks Effectively and Equally thought Truth, Justice, and Fair-Play that protects us all. Sheriff Fredrick Brown of Hunterdon County has taken the lead for New Jersey’s Sheriffs. He’s going to represent his county. Will you be going and joining this Campaign to be in Washington? Please call Sheriff Thomas Hodgson at 508-995-1311, [email protected] thus making “New Jersey First” across America Empowering “Massive Action Solves all Problems.” Also please call me, Jayson H. Burg at 201-240-5351, hcgj2013@aol. The “Quo Warranto” is National Liberty Alliance’s and all of its 50 Unified “united” States Common Law Grand Juries’ filing, which has “Drawn a Line in the Sand”. These Courts and Justices had a limited time to comply with the order or be arrested for their failure to act on the “Quo Warranto”. They are out of time and now serving in “Bad Behavior”. The 50 Unified States Common Law Grand Jury has mailed and filed its Writ of “Quo Warranto” with every Federal District Court Judge as well as the 9 Justices of the Supreme Court on Monday, November 10, 2014. A “Quo Warranto” is Latin, “which is a legal proceeding against the usurper of a franchise or office to stop a person or organization from doing something for which it may not have the legal authority, by demanding to know by what right they exercise the controversial authority. Jarman v. Mason, 102 Okla. 278, 229 P. 459, 460.; An extraordinary proceeding, prerogative in nature, addressed to preventing a continued exercise of authority unlawfully asserted. Johnson v. Manhattan Ry. Co., N.Y., 53 S. Ct. 721, 289 U.S. 479, 77 L. Ed. 1331.” Watch the Video at NationalLibertyAlliance.org. This legal document is the “New American Declaration of Independence” of “We the People”. This filing is not against a Foreign Enemy, but America’s Domestic Enemy, which are America’s Judges and their Corrupt Legal System, Legislators, and Executive Posts. The letter from Sheriff Thomas Hodgson is also a “New American Declaration of Independence”. youviewed/tag/sheriff-thomas-m-hodgson/ “No man is ever alone when he has friends”, It’s a Wonderful Life. Strength through Unity, Jayson H. Burg, 201-240-5351, hcgj2013@aol for more info: NationalLibertyAlliance.org
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 01:12:42 +0000

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