JazakAllahu Kulla Khair for the flurry of very beautiful Eid - TopicsExpress


JazakAllahu Kulla Khair for the flurry of very beautiful Eid messages that were sent to me from everyone. How much they are appreciated remains unexplicable at present. I have been travelling most of Ramadhan, lack of signal, battery power and electricity render my communications next to impossible, thus me being unable to respond. There are four ongoing campaigns here that I am still having to cover. The blessed month is always a busy period. I returned to my house in Ladhiqiyah from Hama last week to hear that, SubhanAllah one of the aid workers in Gaza, working with British charity, Al Fatiha Global was killed in an Israeli terrorist attack. Another Shaheed returned to His creator InshaAllah. Unable to stop thinking of all the other aid workers who are currently working and trapped in Gaza, I left the following day and travelled to Adana in Idlib. There I had Iftar with a brother I have known since I moved here. I was introduced to him and his family by a Libyan brother who I cannot ever be grateful enough to. We opened our fast on the 23rd. A night I really wish was Leylatul Qadr. We discussed and reminised into the early hours of the morning. An unforgettable environment of family time. All the uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews and grandparents. A true blessing indeed. After realising the time he said There is no way your going today! Stay. Its been so long. However we both quickly realised I would have to leave. The Amanah being delivered always remains above anything. We parted, agreeing we would meet the following week to distribute the remainder of the aid in Aleppo. I returned to Latakia three days ago, to the news that brother Hazim, had passed away. Killed, defending his land and his family from the filthy cowards of the Syrian regime. It was a day before we were to meet and two days before his birthday. Wallahi as much as I know it was Allah swt will, and I pray that He accepts Hazem, being one of the most sincere brothers, I have ever met as a Shaheed InshaAllah, the profound loss vehemently will still resonate through the minds and hearts of many. A reminder that the line between life and death here is very fine. This brother volunteered with multiple aid agencies Fi Sabilillah. A true martyr who strived for Syria without faltering. Please keep him and his family, along with all the aid workers in Syria/Gaza and more importantly the oppressed Ummah of Bilad Al Sham and the world in your duas. Fajr. Asr. Tahajud- Definitely. The presence of both these brothers will be missed very much. Let us all make dua we can strive as sincerely as them for the Akhira where we can all meet one day Bi- ithnillah.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 18:01:42 +0000

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