Je vous partage cette canalisation reçue par mon mentor Charles - TopicsExpress


Je vous partage cette canalisation reçue par mon mentor Charles Virtueet que je trouve tellement, mais tellement a propos en ce moment. Je nai pas le temps de vous la traduire en ce moment- mais si qqn veut prendre ce temps et le faire ci-bas, soyez les bienvenus. A Channeled Message from Archangel Michael By Charles Virtue It has become apparent that the guidance we Angels have been sending is getting through to most of you. And you are all familiar with the message – It is time for change, and the time is now. We have been sending you messages, and now I see that it has caused confusion for some. I am hearing your prayers when you ask, “How do I change my life?” “What is the next step for me?” I want you to be aware that the guidance that you are hearing from us is real. The message that your life is being guided to change is accurate and is a sign of things to come. It is important to know that you are among millions who are receiving this message. Most of whom are confused about what to do next. This brings forth an important message and lesson. STAY STRONG. I have sent you this guidance only to prepare you for the coming change. I have sent you these messages to allow you to build the strength and courage to make the changes you are guided to, without hesitation. We Angels love you, and we are here for you 100% of the time. We will never send you a message that will leave you eternally confused or guide to down a harmful path. This means that we will continue to send you guiding messages along your path. Your job right now is merely to accept that change is coming. Your job is to stay aware of any and all signs in your life and to follow your instincts. We are here with you always, day and night, and will continue to be there for you while you transition towards your purpose. Any time you feel confused, lost, scared or frustrated, simply call to us angels with the following prayer; ‘Angels, I know you hear me, as I hear you – I feel the messages and guidance, and I thank you for them. I ask you to please show me signs along my path to comfort and confirm to me that I am indeed following your path. Please reassure me whenever you feel fear around me, and please send love and forgiveness to those in my life.’ You will know what to do and when, so I ask that you please do not panic or let doubt sneak into your thoughts. We will never let you down, we will always be with you, and will always listen to your prayers. Thank you lightworkers for your faith, we love you and promise that the rewards of following our messages, the signs and your guidance will be more miraculous than you can imagine.”
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 04:20:21 +0000

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