Jean - Jacques Rousseau complexity of its structure; natural law - TopicsExpress


Jean - Jacques Rousseau complexity of its structure; natural law theorist, one of the natural rights denied, the enlightened one enlightenment principles of the razed community, the faithful advocate of democracy, one area of democracy trampled on, bourgeois preparers of the liberal revolution, while showing such a revolution negativity far in advance, or even with each other as if they were one to adopt even reformism has led to contradictory and conflicting interpreted by many opposing thoughts. This understanding is why Rousseau was a philosopher power. Always seen itself as one of the people, has more comfortable among members of the public. Influenced by Romanticism and the effects were seen. Rousseau states that the cases should be left to one side in order to lay the foundations of a true political community. Because according to him, only when the movement of the facts, interests, benefits are placed in the foreground and so justice, law under foot. Rousseau rightly accepted that strong, that places the origin of the phenomenon of political society is critical factual data and theories. Citizens, common identity, public, government, creating a social contract and argues that each individual should be included in this contract to the society. People think that should be the basis of the existence of the rule. From a place where there are no laws in the state has not argued in this case. Act deems that should be valid for all the people. Public number increases, Rousseau advocated the need for reducing the number of managers, democracy, aristocracy, monarchy was adopted in the form of classification. According to Rousseau manager form of government, democracy is the public all or a large part. If the format is the management of a small minority of the aristocracy. If the government is monarchical authority to manage a single person. According to Rousseau citizens without virtue, freedom without virtue, the state can not be without freedom. Rousseau; the state is not in power, have argued that belong to the people and adopted the concept of nation-state
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 12:51:04 +0000

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