Jeez I think I need counselling! (Along with 1.6 million other - TopicsExpress


Jeez I think I need counselling! (Along with 1.6 million other Scots). And its not just as simple as how to move on after what I still feel is a missed opportunity. As Thursday approached I knew that I was permanently glued to the Internet, Twitter and Facebook. My housework got neglected, my every conversation about the referendum. Now I feel Ive lost my pet project (and possibly would still have faced with the opposite outcome). Hadnt realised Id become addicted to politics! For me there were a great many positives to my new found interest. As I pondered the issues I had to ask myself where I stood on that point, whether it would affect me, or my children, now or in the future. I discovered a social conscience that I never knew I had. But following my expression of my opinion I had to idea what to do next about these things that bothered me. I had no outlet for my outrage but to post on Facebook and start conversations. Also, it made me keen to see how other people think, what makes them tick, hoe they see things differently or the same to me. When Ive asked a No Thanks friend why they intended to vote that way, it was for more reasons than I first considered. Yes, part of me suspected they may be doing so based on misinformation of some kind and to be honest a part of me just wanted to change the minds of all the no thanksers I knew. This was how strongly I felt Yes was the right move. Then as I started to cajole and persuade - I realised I was verging on losing my respect for peoples right to opinions. That was uncomfortable to admit to myself - but it led me to change that and listen more. I also asked them why in case Id missed something, in case I was also a recipient of misinformation. I questioned others about what THEY stood for, what was important to them. (Often finding it was a close match to my own values and views - not surprising they are my friends after all). But now Im lost. The referendum was a catalyst for self-discovery and now Ive lost my focus. Im not sure how to move on. What next?
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 12:10:23 +0000

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