Jeff Hardy Talks Working With Lita And Matt Hardy And CM Punk, A - TopicsExpress


Jeff Hardy Talks Working With Lita And Matt Hardy And CM Punk, A WWE Return, CM Punk, More Jeff Hardy recently spoke about a new WWE deal in the future, and his wrestling career. Here are some highlights: His feud with CM Punk: The CM Punk feud was probably the pinnacle of wrestling, I think people at that point saw us as a legitimate part of the roster, the mens division was the same as any other division in the company. We built it to the point where we were able to have a long story-line that went on-and-on that concluded with a loser leaves the brand match on smackdwon and we really had the crowd invested in our story-line. Working with Lita: Lita was amazing, she was a great woman and I can truly say that the reason I was probably so great in the business is because I was given the privilege of working side-by-side with her. I was new to the company and four days a week I would be side-by-side with Lita so I really got to look into her mindset and saw the way she worked and i saw what a perfectionist she was and what a performer Lita Really was and I tried to just soak it all in. I also worked really closely with Matt and I couldnt produce anything more than excellence when I was performing with him I think it just elevated my game and allowed me to become a great performer. I learnt a lot from CM Punk and he is a really good friend of mine to this day and a mentor as a businessman. Since Ive left wrestling I look back at a lot of the stuff hes done and I think Ive adapted some of his philosophies in what Ive done, with having my own band Peroxwhy?Gen The current state of wrestling in WWE: I think it is definitely lacking the dedication from the writers and the production team that we had during my time with the company. Its no fault of the guys, the guys are amazingly talented right now, there is a bunch of guys that are just waiting to break through and they really have the look and they have the talent which is obviously what it took to change the division from not just being having to look good in the ring but also being able to kick some ass in the ring. The guys all have it but what I think is missing is the story-line development, the way we got approached back in the day was just like the way The Rock and Stone Cold would get approached. Someone would come to us and say, heres two characters, heres a story-line and heres where its going to go, lets work towards a Pay Per View match. Unfortunately now a days thats what is missing, theres no real defining characters, theres no real outside story-lines that really create the moment because the fans can only become invested in a match when there has been a story-line they have invested their time in. If you came Back do you think you can change the division: Oh my god absolutely, this makes me excited about wrestling every time I get asked this. When i first debuted I remember just going, Oh my god, this is so exciting, and the fans were the same way, it was something fresh and something new and I know the WWE are really excited about me as a character. It was a great surprise to here you where thinking of coming back at wrestlemania and having a match which will be a dominated match so it was really cool to hear you might make an appearance. That alone sets me up for some great matches and it will be really exciting again for the division if i come back and pick up from where i left off. If he would wrestle CM Punk at WrestleMania: CM Punk was saying that he was the most dominant champion, so I thought I would just let him know that title is already taken. As for a match between CM Punk and myself at WrestleMania that is an excellent proposition and I think the fans would love that. Ive actually had the opportunity to talk with CM Punk a couple of times and I think that he is amazing in the ring and I would love to kick his ass actually. If he would consider going back to the WWE on a full time basis: I always keep the door open, if Im presented an amazing opportunity and something where I feel I can create a great moment and a memorable moment for the fans then absolutely I would pursue it. I returned to action a few years ago and was given great matchs. If I was given the opportunity to create another great opportunity at WrestleMania and definitely yes. i would do it
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 02:01:16 +0000

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