(JeffC here) WHAT KIND OF TREATMENT PLAN OR ACCOUNTABILITY GROUP WOULD YOU RECOMMEND FOR ADOLPH HITLER? Recently I have begun to read Winston Churchills account of the Second World War. The first volume, The Gathering Storm, has as its thesis these words of remarkable wisdom: How the English-speaking peoples through their unwisdom, carelessness, and good nature allowed the wicked to rearm Churchill means, of course, how the allies, having been victorious in WWI, were so foolish as to virtually guarantee that WW2 would follow, which it did. It is my contention, and not mine alone as I believe it is the position of Holy Scripture, that to be naive and arrogantly ignorant of the nature of evil and its agents is to assure the increase of that wickedness and the oppression of its victims. The Christian church, in large part, through its unwisdom, carelessness, and naivete has allowed the wicked to remain armed and to oppress the weak. Which brings us round to Adolph Hitler. Here is how Churchill wisely describes him: ...a maniac of ferocious genius, the repository and expression of the most virulent hatreds that have ever corroded the human breast. Hitler would certainly classify as an abuser, according to our definition. So, pastors and well-known Christian counselors, you all who would dare lead us in Christs work - tell us, what kind of treatment plan would you prescribe for Corporal Hitler? Would you put him in a mens accountability group? Would you tell him that Jesus loves him and has a wonderful plan for his life? Would you put him on a couch and talk with him about his childhood traumas that surely must lie at the root of why he exterminated, what? Six million Jews along with how many millions of Russians and people of countless other nations? Would you counsel and educate Adolph into repentance and contrition? Perhaps that is how his fellow terrorists should have been handled as well rather than being put on trial at Nuremberg? Now, I can hear some of you saying, this is all just nonsense. Jeff, you are being too critical and sarcastic. That was Adolf Hitler for goodness sake! You cant compare the average abuser with Hitler! And I respond, not only can I compare the abuser with Hitler, I MUST do so! Why? Because, at the root of Hitlers essence, what do we find? He was a man who said I will be like the Most High. He was a man whose very mentality functioned in its every thought through the paradigm of entitlement to power and control. Whose anti-conscience was quite at peace doing whatever need be done to gain and maintain that power and control. Hey, wait a minute! Thats the definition of an abuser! And so it is. The only difference between Hitler and most abusers is that Hitler happened to blunder into a time and place in history where there was a vacuum of power in a society in chaos. He obtained ultimate power. So, we come round to it again. What treatment plan, what mens accountability group, what outpouring of love would you prescribe for Adolf Hitler? Had he been captured alive, what would have been your choice of treatment? I hope that your answer is, execution. Here is Gods treatment plan for the wicked who hate Him and devise evil: Psalms 94:21-23 They band together against the life of the righteous and condemn the innocent to death. (22) But the LORD has become my stronghold, and my God the rock of my refuge. (23) He will bring back on them their iniquity and wipe them out for their wickedness; the LORD our God will wipe them out. Abusers are not difficult personalities. They are not victims of their past. Gods Word contains no diagnosis of the wicked that allows them on that great Day when they stand before Christ, to blame anything or anyone but themselves. Nowhere in Gods Word will you find the dangerous naivete about evil that characterizes so many Christians and church leaders today. The Hitlers of history and of our present era, the abusers that so many of you have been or are still being oppressed by, are not your average kind of sinner. When you put your arm around them and tell them how much you love them and how, with the right kind of treatment plan they can be fixed, they inwardly laugh at you. They mark you as weak. They recruit you to their team. And pretty soon, before you know it, you will find yourself marching in their SS squads helping them oppress their victims.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 05:09:28 +0000

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