Jeffrey Lewis 12 seconds ago · Good afternoon My Sisters and - TopicsExpress


Jeffrey Lewis 12 seconds ago · Good afternoon My Sisters and My Brothers, My Detroit Family, its been a while from my last post on face book or another media posting, today I must have my say. First: The State Of Michigan and Governor Rick Snyder, and former State Treasurer Andy Dillon pushed Detroit into a Bankruptcy based on the Cities so called long term Debt of what has been said to be 18 BILLION, and standing debt of almost 300 MILLION DOLLARS at the time the Bankruptcy was forced on Detroit, even through Detroit did not meet any of the States requirements for Bankruptcy, like not paying its bills, or short on funding for payroll and so on. The City had made every single payment on time that by Law it was indeed required to make with all interest being paid as well. Now when the State forced Detroit into this Bankruptcy the contract stated the State Of Michigan would cover 50% of certain costs, now the State by The Governors choice has decided to cap its costs at 5 MILLION DOLLARS, even through the costs is already at or over 20 MILLION DOLLARS, with contracts to be paid to Law Firms and Consultants in EXCESS of $62 MILLION DOLLARS, WITH TOTAL COSTS ESTIMATED AT MORE THEN 100 MILLION DOLLARS, and not on of the Law Firms nor one of the Consultants are from the City Of Detroit. Can anyone say they have seen BETTERMENT in anything in The City Of Detroit from the time of the start of this BANKRUPTCY? has Life for Detroiters gotten any better? are City Services any better? two words HELL NO. What has happen is and call me Racist if you want, WHITE LAWYERS AND WHITE COMPANIES have made MILLIONS of TAX PAYER DOLLARS off the Citizens Of Detroit and delivered nothing, with the help of Black Men like Kevyn Orr, Emergency Manager Appointed by Governor Rick Snyder, along with Gary {I HATE DETROIT} Brown appointed by Kevyn Orr. Why? 1.TO TAKE THE DETROIT WATER DEPARTMENT FROM DETROIT. 2. TO TAKE DETROIT LIGHTING DEPARTMENT FROM DETROIT. 3. TO TAKE DETROIT DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FROM DETROIT. 4. TO TAKE THE DETROIT ART INSTITUTE FROM DETROIT. 5. TO TAKE THE DETROIT HOUSING DEPARTMENT FROM DETROIT. 6. TO TAKE THE DETROIT HEALTH CARE SERVICES FROM DETROIT. 7. TO TAKE BELLE ISLE FROM DETROIT. 8. TO TAKE COBO HALL FROM DETROIT. 9. WELL THEY ALREADY TOOK DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS AWAY FROM DETROIT. 10. TO GIVE AWAY MILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF LAND AND PROPERTY OF OTHER BILLIONAIRES FOR PENNIES ON THE DOLLARS. AND FINALLY TO MAKE MANY DETROIT CITIZENS BELIEVE THAT BLACK MAYORS AND LEADERS HAVE RUINED DETROIT SO BAD THAT YALL NEED A WHITE MAN TO FIX IT ALL, EVEN THROUGH EVERY STEP OF THE WAY THE SAME WHITE MEN WHO WALKED AWAY FROM IT ALL NOW WANTS IT BACK, BUT FOR NOTHING AND THATS JUST WHATS HAPPENING. MY DETROIT FAMILY AS I HAVE STATED MANY TIMES OVER DETROIT DOES NOT BELONG TO THE GOVERNOR, THE MAYOR, THE CITY COUNCIL, BUT TO ALL ITS CITIZENS, YOU HERE WHAT I SAID IT BELONGS TO ITS CITIZENS. YOU ALL WHO DID NOT VOTE AND THOSE OF YOU WHO VOTED FOR THE MAN FROM OUTSIDE OF DETROIT OPEN YOUR EYES AND SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING, ALL OF THE THE DEPARTMENTS THAT ARE BEING PRIVATIZED AND GIVEN AWAY TO OUTSIDE DETROIT COMPANIES 90% OF THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE LOST JOBS AND WHO WILL LOSE JOBS ARE DETROITERS AND ARE BLACK. So in ending were do you think your Sons or your Daughters are going to work? Family Your VOTE IS STILL THE VERY LAST MEASURE OF ANYTHING WORTH FIGHTING FOR, FOR ITS THE ONLY THING THAT CAN TURN ALL OF THIS AROUND IN THE 2014 and 2016 ELECTION, SO LETS USE IT AND LETS TAKE DETROIT BACK AND MAKE IT BETTER THEN EVER, WHY BECAUSE NOT THE MAYOR, NOT THE CITY COUNCIL, NOT THE GOVERNOR SAYS BUT BECAUSE WE THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF DETROIT SAY IT. THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKE SO IT SHALL BE. Family I Love You All. Peace And Love, With Power To The People. The MellowOne-Jeff. Jeff Lewis 100% Detroit. Like · · Share · Unfollow Post · Promote Jeffrey Lewis
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 20:20:54 +0000

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