Jehmu Greene was just on Fox with Heather Nauert....remember Jehmu - TopicsExpress


Jehmu Greene was just on Fox with Heather Nauert....remember Jehmu made the disgusting racist remark aimed at Tucker Carlson right in front of Megyn Kelly....showing exactly who she is!! Jehmu said to Nauert....the only thing concerning Democrats about the midterms is turn out....not Benghazi, the Holder contempt of Congress, the IRS, the VA and goodness knows what else by November. She knows that Obama supporters and Democrat sheeple and entitlement leeches do not care for truth and facts and the real American just get them there and they will vote in lock step just like they always have. Not to mention voter fraud which is sure to occur. Greene also said that Republicans have to focus on so called scandals because they have no solutions....just like the Democrats have solutions...LOL!! Jehmu, for starters, what about the numerous jobs bills forwarded by the Republican House that are languishing in Harry Reids bottom drawer for months and years....and do you really want us to think that Obama and the Democrat Senate would pass any legislation that did not fit their ideology and politics. The fact that WI and TX and FL and IN and other states with Republican governors are doing very, very well with jobs, and reducing debt, all the while reducing taxes shows that you are an ignorant tool with talking points....same things would work on a national level....but NO...damn the things proven to work....full speed ahead with foodstamps and amnesty and EPAs jobs killing regulations. God help us and forgive us for letting things get in this shape....we were not paying attention and not involved as we should have been. Whew I feel so much better now!! Thanks for listening!!.
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 15:10:43 +0000

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