Jelsa and Their Children story Part 7 (MY COMIC! DONT - TopicsExpress


Jelsa and Their Children story Part 7 (MY COMIC! DONT COPY!) Rabeah: *Removes hand from Emmas Hand* Its true! Dont you dare make me mad!! You piece of TRASH! Emma: AND YOURE 1 UGLY EVIL GIRL! Why wont you just stop this mess?! Why did the both of you changed? At first you were so kind and nice. But, now... i...i dont know, what on earth happened to your brains/minds! Your brains are getting crazy and crazier! You should stop acting like this, you people! Rabeah: NEVER! Shaira, do it! Shaira: And, i will. *Punches Emma slowly* Hiiiyyyaa! Jane: *Sees Shaira almost punching Emma**Runs and holds Shairas Hand* Dont you ever, mess with my Best Friend, ever again! Emma: *Falls down**Holds chest* J-Jane?.. Thank You! :) But, what are you doing here? Its dangerous! Jane: Im Helping you~ *Puts hands down* Come on.. Stand up. You Can do it, Emma!.. Rabeah: Urrghh! *Throws a knife to Jane* Emma: *Sees What Rabeah did* Ahh!! Jane! Watch out! *Stands and covers Jane* Jane: No! Emma! Whyre you doing this? Youll die! Emma: I Have to. Im sacrificing myself, for you. Bye Jane.. Hope you have good wis-- -Knife hits the chest of Emma- Emma: *Falls down**Holds the knife**Looks at the knife* U-uh.. P-Please, P-Promise me, b-before, i...i die. Please, t-tell everyone, th-th-- *Dies* Jane: WAHH!! Emma!! NO! It cant be happening!!! AHHHH!!! *Smashes the ground* WHAT HAVE I DONE! *Puts Emmas Head on the Knees**Gets the sword out from her chest* What?? What?! What, will i tell?? NOO!! *Stands* CURSE YOU RABEAH AND SHAIRA! NOW, MY BFF IS DEAD, ITS BECAUSE OF YOU! HOW DARE YOU, KILL HER!! WHAT IF ILL TELL THE TR. ABOUT THIS?! Huh?! I know, Emma, is still alive! And, now its your turn to DIE!! Shaira: *Walks backward slowly* C-common Rabeah! R-RUN!!!! *Runs* Jane: *Hair turns Black**Eyes turns Red* You will pay! John: *Sees the fight**Runs to them* AHHH! What on earth happened?! What happened to Emma?!! What happened, to you Jane?!!! Jane: *Turns back to normal* O-O *Hugs John* Finally! Your here! :) John: Its Okay.. Now, tell me! What happened?! Jane: Its a Long, long story John! Lets bring Emma, to the Nurse! -30 Minutes Later (They were done bringing Emma to the nurse, then they left her for a while)- John: Lets talk to Them, Jane Jane: T-they, might hurt us again.. John: They wont. Theyre very weak. Jane: Dont you know, that, 1 People died, because of them?.. So, Pls.... Dont you dare do it! John: Well.... If your scared, then ill do it myself, with my Dragon, Red Flurry! *Whistles* 9 hours ago John: Well.... If your scared, then ill do it myself, with my Dragon, Red Flurry! .. Im now gonna call him.. *Whistles* Red Flurry: *Flys and Lands in the ground* Rooar! John: *Goes and rides in Red Flurries back* Come on, Boy! To Shaira and Rabeahs Garden!! Hiiyaa! -At Shaira and Rabeahs Garden- John: *Goes down of the dragon and tiptoes true the bushes* *Whispers to Red Flurry* Red Flurry, Join me.. Tiptoe in the ground. Red Flurry: *Tiptoes* John: *Sees Shaira and Rabeah* Red Flurry! HIDE! *Hides in the bushes* Phew! Red Flurry: *Makes his self thin**Hides Behind the tree* Shaira: *Hears sound**Look in the bushes* O-O What was that noise?.. Somethings going fishy around here. -.- Rabeah: Who could that be?.. -_- Urgh! Peoples... Shaira: Dont You know, Rabeah..? Rabeah: No? Shaira: Im Starting to Hate Emma too! Dont you know, Jane, is very mean!!! I wanna crunch her head! Because, She tripped me! and i FELL! Im mad to Emma and Jane!! Urgh! -_- Emma is just so Plastic!.. -.- John: *Hears them talking about Jane and Emma* Th-thats not true! *Nods* U-uh? *Goes out of hiding place* HEY! Rabeah! Shaira! Come forward! -_- Shaira: OH GUSH! I KNEW IT! Someone was here! AND Now, He heard us! And Why, would we? Are you gonna kiss us?! John: Why Would i?! Just do it! Rabeah: Oh, My.. Prince Charming is here. Huuhh... Guushh.. *Faints* John: *Hair turns white and black* -_- *Eyes turns RED* YOU GIRLS ARE SELFISH! MEAN! DIRTY! SMELLY! UGLY AND MOST OF ALL EVIL! >.< STOP THIS STUPIDNESS! . >:( Rabeah: No, Way... -0- Shaira: Rabeah! Lets RUN again!!! >.< John: You can run! But cant HIDE! I will find you! Come on Red! *Jumps on the back of Red Flurry* Hiiyaa! -Next Day (At School)- Jane: *Went inside school drinking a soft drink**Sips* Emma: *Sees Jane* Jane! Hii! Thanks for saving me! :) Jane: No Prob.. Emma: *Carries Book**Looks Down**Walks* Jane: *Looks down**Walks* Shaira: Seliene! Your here! *Hugs Seliene* Finally! :) Seliene: :) .. *Walks forward* Shaira and Rabeah: *Walks forward* Jane: *Bumps Shaira Accidentally and Spilled Juice all over Shairas new Dress accidentally*. :O Shaira: AHH! Jane! How dare you! Youve done too much bad things! and now youve did this?! Youve ruined my dress! Now, im so smelly! You just think that your better than everyone! Could you Please stop Bragging?! -_- *Slaps Janes Face* Jane: Awch! *Touches Face* Seliene: Yeah! And, Dont you know, Your so SELFISH! Rabeah: Yeah! Huh! Its true! After class, i wanna kill you! -_- Emma: Hey! Stop it!~ We just want to say sorry! W-why cant you stop this?.. -At The Classroom- Miss Reyes: Students, Wait for 30 Minutes, because im just gonna Get your test Papers in the office. Students: Okay Miss Reyes! Jane: *Sits down* John: *Went inside the Classroom* Shaira, Rabeah and Seliene: *Shocked* :O John! You can sit beside us. :) John: O.o W-why would i? -_- I would like to just sit here beside Jane! *Sits beside Jane* Jane: Hi John. :) John: Hi Jane! :D -After 30 Mins- Miss Reyes: *Comes in* Here are your test papers Oh, And, by the way.. Tomorrow, we will have a ball... Please wear your gown tom. and Pick your partner now. Boy x Girl.. Okay? Students: YEYY! -After class- Miss Reyes: Everyone! Come here! I will announce the scores. Jane, You Got 35/35 , Congratz!.. Emma, You got, 33/35, Nice try! But, still Congratzz! John and Sean, Both of you are TIE. You both got 30. Nathan got 29, Alex got 34 , Congratz. Shaira got 18, Shaira! STUDY! -0- Rabeah and Seliene, got 12 .. You, both study!! -Next Day at the Ball- Jane: *Went inside the ball* John: Jane? Jane! Is that you? Jane: Y-Yes, it is.. :) John: Youre so Beautiful *Carries Jane and Turns around* Jane: Wiiihh! ^_^ B-but.. I..i dont know how to dance. Im Useless! John: No, Your not! Im going to teach you! Now, Put your hands on my Shoulders and Hold my Right hand. Jane: Umm.. O-Okay. Puts Hands in the Shoulders of John and Holds The Right hand of John* John: Now, Follow my Feet. 1, 2 *Moves Forward and backward* 1, 2,3 .. 1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2... Now, you know? :) Jane: Yup.. Thanks! :) ~>To Be ContinuedDONT COPY! OR ELSE ILL R...eport, you< >im not going to post any photo, cuz its tiring to edit it!
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 10:40:25 +0000

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