Jeondaehyub,Hanchonglyun change color at the news of Lee - TopicsExpress


Jeondaehyub,Hanchonglyun change color at the news of Lee Myung-Bak. ★ ========================== Anti Unification Groups ========================== [1] Lee Myung-Bak Government [2] The Hannara Party of Conservative [3] The Jausunjin Party of Conservative [4] The Military South Korea Faction [5] Ultra Rightist Faction [6] Anti Communist Faction I cannot help smiling a bitter smile. Lee Myung-Bak is the anti-masses in the world. I am quick in action. I am the commander in chief of seochonglyun and a hero of jeondaehyub at 1991 among a man of great ability but I am a political henchman,I am a runaway soldier,I am a chizophrenic and I am violation of the national security law.! I am a person of black list by the national police.! In an emergency I fight against Lee Myung-Bak. The Hannara Party said an opposition parties is the Robot-regime of Kim Dae-Jung president. ======================= Unification Groups ======================= [1] Kim Dae-Jung President [2] Rho Moo-Hyun President [3] The Minjoo Party of Democratic [4] The Democracy Labour Party of Progressivism [5] The Changjohankook Party [6] The Democratic Camp of the R.O.K. [7] Jeondaehyub [8] Hanchonglyun [9] The Extreme Left [10] The Left-Wing Political Parties [11] Citizen Unification Groups An extremist must fight against Lee Myung-Bak Government because of Lee Myung-Bak is anti-unification group. Previous to that time Lee Myung-Bak Government cracked down rruthlessly on the left-wing political parties. Lee Myung-Bakk oppress Hanchonglyun unification group to Practice Solidarity June 15,2000 of Kim Dae-Jung president cooperation declaration. I have a good grasp of the situation. Kim Dae-Jung president declare a factional dispute against Lee Myung-Bak Government that the Minjoo Party of democratic, the democracy labour party of progressivism,the changjohankook party and citizen unification movement groups. Lee Myung-Bak Government will fail in ones business and go backrupt. The conservative parties expose a secret plan that the Hannara Party,the janusunjin party of conservative. The negotiation came to rupture. Jeondaehyub,Hanchonglyun will be supported by the Minjoo Party. Maybe and maybe or not. Kim Dae-Jung president have the support of the people but Lee Myung-Bak keeps silence about the incident. Lee Hoi-Chang of the Jausunjin Party of conservative said Case is pro-pyongyang reckless attempt by Kim Dae-Jung president. As a whole. The conservative parties rise in revolt against Kim Dae-Jung struggle but Kim Dae-Jung president have the backing of public opinion. Jeondaehyub,Hanchonglyun stand by Kim Dae-Jung president over again. I will be supported by the people. I am the anti-communism and Conservatism but I support Kim Dae-Jung president. I back up the Minjoo Party of democratic. Itll be very interesting to see how this story develops. Surely Kim Dae-Jung president will come by the appointed time. The Minjoo Party of democratic will come by the appointed time without fail. I cant help being called a fool. I give up ones right to the Hannara Party of conservative. I lay the foundation for future development. I give Hanchonglyun a big hug and derate different opinions. I break through the besieging enemy forces. I rally like minded people. So independence group of Jeondaehyub,Hanchonglyun will be oppresed to my recruitment. I urge independence group of Jeondaehyub,Hanchonglyun to reconsider ones conduct. I beg you will continue to favor me this year. ★ Dangerous Matters of Lawyer Mon Dec 1,2008 ★ An essential particular must take charge of Lawyer★KimKwanYong share. Dangerous matters go about in crowds Kim★KwanYong. First above all the National Security Act violation preparation. I nto go with the tide and occumplish ones important mission. I am charged with an important part Juche ideology group important part. I give the outline of Juche ideology. Juche ideology must not. I try hard to wriggle out of a difficult situation that Juche ideology group career and violation of the National Security Act. Yet I am not violation the National Security Act against vile propaganda. Old days at April 15,2004 I exist Seouldetention battacks. I am put in prison. Present I have an ominous foreboding to the National Security Act. A mechanical brain Lawyer★KimKwanYong solve problem and find a solution to the National Security Act. Of importance matter is my spirit to the National Security Act. I make full preparations for violation the National Security Act. Kim★KwanYong express ones satisfaction with a smile. The movement of the law violation is te National Security Act. The National Security Act is resuscitated. Lawyer★KimKwanYong is in good repair against the National Security Act violation. A prohibition against double jeopardy principle aid Kim★KwanYong. People will model after Lawyer★KimKwanYong against the National Security Act. Next dangerous matter the left-wing political parties form a plot Lawyer★KimKwanYong. It is proper that one should to Lawyer★KimKwanYong is the anti- Communism and conservatism. In a strict sense the left-wing political parties is bound by a rule. Lawyer★KimKwanYong is not the masses now. Its problem. Lawyer★KimKwanYong go off the track within the left-wing political parties interests and poltics. The left-wing political parties evade the point. But,a violation of the National Security Act will bring you punishment. They hav no sense of violation the National Security Act. The prosecutors office overpower the left-wing political parties by using armed force. This is the cuase. ========================= Dangerous Groups. ========================= [1] Law [2] Military [3] Police [4] Government I dont know what all this is about. Lawyer★KimKwanYong is the right-wing political parties. Owing to the left-wing political parties dislike Lawyer★KimKwanYong. Im sorry to have troubled you so much. Lawyer★KimKwanYong will be given a hearing by the left-wing political parties. ================= Kim★KwanYong ================= Dongguk Univ.Mathematics 1989~1992. Y J C Law College 1998. Career Chnagjo Business Co.,Ltd of Nasan Group Attorney. Career Administrative Scrivener Head of Department. ★ I Want To Hapiness Of Jeondaehyub Forever. ★ The military dictatorial government take military action to Jeondaehyub. I execute struggle against the military dictatorial government during 1989~1992. I feel homesick university because of I am a hero of Jeondaehyub at 1991. But Far from saving money,I can hardly make my living. Unique luxury is Yahoo! [* yahoo ] There is no knowing what may happen to Jeondaehyub now. I am badly off as you suppose. Jeondaehyub is inclined to the left-wing political parties but win a battle against the military dictatorial government. I am a penniless bum and all medicines prove useless. I pull the wires from behind Hanchonglyun. [* ] Everything truned out as I had hoped. I am unperturbed Juche ideology group line of Jeondaehyub, Hanchonglyun. I watch the trend of public opinion. I rally like minded people of Jeondaehyub,Hanchonglyun and move the conservative. I dont like to be classed with the left-wing political parties and the progressivist in the Republic of Korea. Game Is Over.! I express ones sympathy for the military dictatorial government. I consented to the plan and all the rest chimed in. I feel the greatest joy. By order of the authorities Jeondaehyub carry out fidelity inspection for the fatherland. I undergo a change of mind. Juche ideology line become null and void to me and I find a wayout of the swamp. I holds a considerable high position in my Jeondaehyub and I am a high rank Hanchonglyun. But,We go off the track. A fidelity inspection is essential to the success of the business. I am sure of victory. It is a much-debated question. I take up for discussion fidelity inspection to Jeondaehyub. It is a new tendency and a new system. Its the ABC of a criminal investigation Juche ideology line. We must act normal and take circumstances into consideration that struggle against the military dictatorial government. Jeondaehyub is an educated person but I tried to get help from my relatives and people in the local community,but it was useless because of I close ones ears to the irresponsible criticism of outsiders. Jeondaehyub should join forces with the conservative faction to put the plan into practice that a fidelity inspection. Things must turned out to be favorable for us. I am given a hearing and I said the anti-Communism and conservatism in the world. It is an established fact and I tell it like it is owing to I study law of Y J C college at 1998. The Republic of Korea is a constitutional state. Jeondaehyub must follow the law governing the application of laws in the Republic of Korea. It is a life-and death struggle and I leave a pretty long interval between Juche ideology groups. The prosecutors office must make private inquires for Jeondaehyub members and must investigate scretly. I convince Jeondaehyub of fidelity inspection intitution by the national police. A fidelity inspection is the national police thing. The national police have pride in ones work. The restoration must work progressed rapidly. Welcome a visit of Jeondaehyub,Hanchonglyun to A//X★G and e★Gov. It was decided to make full use of promising new recruits in order to breathe new life into the organization. A//X★G and e★Gov Government engage men of ability. The trade is brisk because I win a suit case. I am promoted to a higher status. The reson is the anti-Communism and conservatism. I make the most of te advantageous condition. ★ There seems to be complicated circumstances behind it. Jeondaehyub,hanchonglyun startle the world within Juche ideology line. The line is independence,democracy and unification of the Korean Peninsula against America. Let us stop here today. I whip up war sentiment Jeondaehyub utterly because of Jeondaehyub exercised ones influence in getting me some good position that the commander in chief of Seochonglyun at 1991. The national police will come by the appointed time without fail. Jeondaehyub must provide against fidelity inspection by police. I live a life of tears and regrets and do ones best for Jeondaehyub. I am lucky enough to do struggle and accomplish ones mission. I have the honor of doing a hero of Jeondaehyub 1991. The military dictatorial government nothing ear be done. A//X★G and e★Gov Government have a constant stream of visitors. I put an end to a qurral. I progress with the program as arranged to fidelity inspection because of Jeondaehyub is in an urgent condition against Juche ideology. ★ Capricious Jeondaehyub. ★ Capricious Jeondaehyub Jeondaehyub behave capriciously. A narrow sense Jeondaehyubis general student council allied powers. Many camrade organization is Jeondaehyub. One after another,Jeondaehyubhave family organization that fathers, mothers,brothers,sisters and friends. Jeondaehyubthrow in ones lot with family organization. Jeondaehyubfellow member meeting must have a discussion about future existence. Many Jeondaehyubmembers is distinguished men out of office by reason of ideology that communism,socialism,progressivism. They is not ones former self again and is badly off. There is no knowing what may happne. 386 young group stand side by side The Minjoo Partymember of an assembly. I have no doubt of 386 young group success. And,The Democracy Labour Partyhave 386 progressvist young group of Jeondaehyub,386 progressivist young group search for the meaning of life. Jeondaehyuborganization no one is beyond question. A camrade set to work with a will. Clarify,Anti-communism,and conservatismhold the reins of the government. A camrade will be in motion ones ideology tactics. Nothing could make comrade change ones mind. I propose peaceful political battle. ... ...// Thank You.! Juche Ideology Group Deserve Punushment. ★ I abandon Juche ideology group of Jeondaehyub,Hanchonglyun I am not equal to this task. Juche ideology group of Jeondaehyub,Hanchonglyun will shout suddenly because of Juche ideology group serve ones community. Against ones will I reveal ones true character informally. Including chairman of Jeondaehyub,Hanchonglyun officer is Juche ideology group between asleep and awake. A propaganda offensive of Juche ideology group is struggle against Jeon Doo-Hwan,Rho Tae-Woo military dictatorial government Since May 18,1980 Gwangju city massacre. This mass slaughter is a breach of the constitution. Jeon Doo-Hwan,Rho Tae-Woo military dictatorial government ones labor comes to nothing after wards. The struggle was awarded to Juche ideology group. A major concept of struggle fight against Jeon Doo-Hwan,Rho Tae- Woo military dictatorial government. Juche ideology group thunder at Jeon Doo-Hwan,Rho Tae-Woo military dictatorial government. Juche ideology group is college graduates or the equivalent in the Republic of Korea and ally with Kim Il-Sung,Kim Jong-Il of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. Juche ideology group is the Spy. Juche ideology group have an ulterior motive that socialism revolution of the Republic of Korea because of carelessness. The bourgeoisie give a point-black refusal Juche ideology group and the conservative faction too. Juche ideology group popularize and have ethnic consciousness. It is the evils accompanying war. I feel pity for Juche ideology group. The anti-Commmunism Government hold the power of life and death over Juche ideology group. Juche ideology group is still missing and miss an opportunity. Theres no help for it as mantioned above. Dont go too far with you jokes Juche ideology group is the Spy. I settle the remaining business and take strong action against Juche ideology group. Thats just the thing I want. The real power over Jeondaehyub,Hanchonglyun is in my hands. My study belongs to a different level from Juche ideology group. I cannot look on with indifference Juche ideology group. The project of struggle received a setback because of a slight error. I secure a high position Jeondaehyub at 1991. Jeondaehyub organization discriminates against Anti in its hiring. Juche ideology group defer payment on the debt time and again. Jeondaehyub,Hanchonglyun put off from day to day. Because of Jeondaehyub,Hachonglyun lack ability. Now Jeondaehyub,Hanchonglyun Juche ideology group is encamped facing each other A//X★G and e★Gov anti-Communism and conservatism Government. ★ I treat Jeondaehyub,Hanchonglyun as a gentlemen and write a story at a big-character paper. =================================================== The Best Method In Self-Defense In Conversion. =================================================== I report on the military situation and Im the anti-Communism and conservatism.This is a case of good coming out of evil. Kim Il-Sung,Kim Jong-Il introduced Juche ideology into Korea over the air.Juche ideology dreamed of conquering in the world. The Peoples Republic of China is trufling Juche ideology of Kim Il-Sung,Kim Jong-Il.But,I stick to ones principles. Juche ideology group of the R.O.K. have a thirst for knowledge of Kim Jong-Il theory because of Juche ideology group want to socialism revolution in the form of voluntary appearance. But A//X★G and e★Gov Government must destroy Juche ideology group and send troops oversea.Thank you.! Juche ideology group is cooperative and enemy. Juche ideology group rendezvous in orbit with united front of Kim Jong-il. Kim Jong-Il impose upon a person by honeyed words. The R.O.K. university Juche ideology group is anxious to go the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. It is pitiful to see. It is too late to do anything about it. Juche ideology group of the R.O.K.respect Kim Jong-Il as they teacher. We cannot apply the same rule to them all,I head stright for Seoul,Korea and cling to ones last hope. I establish a government that 『國™』★『黨™』大韓民國 反共保守黨 『Nation™』★『Party™』Republic of Korea Anti-Communism and Conservatism Party. Juche ideology group officer join this Party. 『國™』★『黨™』大韓民國 反共保守黨 『Nation™』★『Party™』 Republic of Korea Anti-Communism and Conservatism Party must act normal. Juche ideology group officer is converted to the anti-Communism and conservatism. I will take the circumstances into consideration. A//X★G and e★Gov Government seek the counsel of may people and take upon oneself an important task. A//X★G and e★Gov Government lay the foundations for future development and tolerate different opinions. I break through the besieging Juche ideology group forces. I am a hero of the troubled times. Juche ideology group officer have no spirit. I was deeply impressed by Juche ideology group unification story and I establish unification theory that one nation,one government unification theory. ★ My Love Jeondaehyub. Jeondaehyubis illicit love to me. My success is due entirely to Jeondaehyubsupport during 1989~1992. I am a HERO of Jeondaehyubat June,1991. State of things May,1991~June,1991 develop into bloodshed. I wait for further developments. ★ I go to a dongguk university at 1989 and see Gwang-ju city disastrous accident at May 18,1980. Rho Tae-Woo keep under ones control autocratic military regime. Rho Tae-Woo cracked down ruthlessly on the left wing political parties and Jeondaehyub. It was a life-or-death question for the nation. I join Jeondaehyubassociation and fight against Rho Tae-Woo autocratic military regime since 1989. NLPDR : National Liberation Peoples Democratic Revolution open and underhand work pass band at 1985~1986 in univ.acad. CNP organization and struggle HOWDO methods society small & middle CDP,Civil Democratic Revolution NDP,National Democratic Revolution PDR,Peoples Democratic Revolution about 1985 August ~September sheme. MODEL ACT HOWDO Seoul,Korea Since 1980s. HOWDO STRUGGLE SINCE 1980s. Jeondaehyubis out of power faction at the highest estimate. Out talk turned to the financial problems. I put a plan into effection that economic activity Jeondaehyubdo ones duties against Jeon Doo-Hwan and Rho Tae-Woo autocratic military regime since 1987. ================================== Jeondaehyub Chirman 1987~1992. ================================== 이인영 고려대학교 오영식 고려대학교 임종석 한양대학교 송갑석 전남대학교 김종식 한양대학교 태재준 서울대학교 Kim★KwanYong propaganda of Jeondaehyubstruggle is understood a senior and Kim★KwanYong is in the van of the attack Jeondaehyub against Rho Tae-Woo autocratic military regime. At first,I am nonparty in comparable. In the middle of rendezvous in orbit with Kim Dae-Jung of The Minjoo Party president at 1991. Kim Dae-Jung president declare oneself against autocratic military regime. The Minjoo Party interests and politics aid Jeondaehyubstruggle and ally with Jeondaehyub. I am a radical and I love Jeondaehyub. ★ 1990 is the age of rival chiefs of 1992 last Jeondaehyub. Jeondaehyubnot surrender to autocratic military regime since 1987. I push ones way through a crowd and I bear up well under difficult circumstances. 1989 Jeondaehyubdispatch Rim Soo-Kyoung of foreign language university to Pyongyang. Rim Soo-Kyoung is representation of 1989 Jeondaehyub. I take part an assembly with fellow studetn of dongguk university at 1989 and I am far apart a fellow studetn in these eventful and critical times. Next year,I fight against Rho Tae-Woo autocratic military regime on a man of great ability at 1990 Seoul street assembly. Rho Tae-Woo regime is in an awkward position and I strike an alarm bell wildly. This will be difficult to solve. I express ones sympathy for Gwang-ju citizen and university student in accordance with the national law. I call on Gwang-ju city at 1990 and I fight against Rho Tae-Woo autocratic military regime and the national police in a tear bomb. I thread ones way through the crowd to Gwang-ju street. Gwang-ju citizen and university studetn looks dignified and reliable. What do you have in your hand.? I take in ones hand iron-pipe,petrol bomb and stone. Gwang-ju rally like minded people against Jeon Doo-Hwan,Rho Tae-Woo autocratic military regime. Combat cell train Chosun university in Gwang-ju city at January,1991. Chosun university Nokdudaecombat cell is highly disciplined Seochonglyuncombat cell train for future reference and instruct ones juniors. I become commander of dongguk university. Many Seochonglyununiversity participate training that joongang university,ewha womens university and dongguk university etc. This is not inferior to Chosun university products on quality and let bygones be bygones. We took the first step toward our goal. The national cambat police put an end to quarral April 26,1991 the national combat police murder Kang Kyung-Dae of Myung-ji university student with a iron-pipe. Seochonglyunmany university general student council is not after immediate profit. Seochonglyunproclaim emergency state of things to May,1991. I turn the commander in chief of dongguk university general student council. Many subject of study participate 5doldaeemergency situation van that political seience,sociology,follower of Buddihism,national ethics,historical science,economical science,trade science and the department of agriculture, a college of education,mathematics, statistics,physics,chemistry etc. 5doldaeheadquarter of struggle establish ones position against the national combat police and Rho Tae-Woo autocratic military regime. I not stop the escalation of the civil war at Seoul,Korea. Rho Tae-Woo opinion is not worth serious consideration during a class struggle. The negotiations not reached a peaceful and satisfactory settlement. It is no use trying to resist the trend of the times. Seoul street is a fire sea.! The incident attracted nationwide attention. I take over the reins of government by extraordinary efforts. I fully showed my ability in struggle at seoul street. Rho Tae-Woo autocratic military regime get out of hand at the cost of many lives. Seochonglyungeneral studetn council overthrow a government but, Rho Tae-Woo not decamp. The military regime cracked down ruthlessly on Jeondaehyubpolitical faction and Jeondaehyubdiscuss how to overcome difficulties. All the parties agreed to pass the bill through Congress and last time Jeondaehyuboverthrow Jeon Doo-Hwan and Rho Tae-Woo autocratic military regime. ★ The U.S.S.R of Moscow Defeat October,1991. Moskva make a complete change in one s policy October,1991. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics not get over the recession of a belt-tightening policy. The communist party of the U.S.S.R fall from power and not hold the reins of the government. Their positions are now reversed. The communist party experiment become null and void and the capitalism is preval‍ ent to Russia at Octover,1991. I believe this is a suffucuent explanation. The United States of America epoch come from abroad in the world. A superpower to the U.S.S.R is gone,the communist party of the U.S.S.R is a fallen politician. Instead of third-rate Russia emerge from. But,The Democracy Peoples Republcs of China is as it used to be. During that time,dictatorship military regime cracked donw ruthlessly on the left-wing political parties and Jeondaehyubof the republic of korea. The commander in chief Kim★KwanYong fall from power of Jeondaehyub ,the conservative parties interfere with Kim★KwanYong political policy since October,1991 the U.S.S.R of Moscow defeat. The progressive faction of the south-korea not hold a position and Kim★KwanYong fall in ones business and go bankrupt. Kim★KwanYong leave of ones own accord to the Dongguk university mathematics at April,1993. [* ] The capitaist and conservative party obtain influence. That time,the commander in chief Kim★KwanYong was the left-wing of political circle. So,Kim★KwanYong change ones course. I have no doubt of 386 member of an assembly success and I think a peaceful settlement. I great wishes 386 young group to an assemblyman eatblished fact. This incident is only the tip of the iceberg. I allot a portion of the work to each 386 member of an assembly of The Minjoo Party. [* ] Jeondaehyubproduce a large number of an assemblyman of the National Assembly continuously. The National Police avoided mentioning that point and not offer congratulations. I made an intensive study of the subject. Jeondaehyuband the national police is not one. I canoot remain an idle spectator. The national police abuse an inclination to the left 386 young group whole. The national police have at ones beck and call me at the political circles. But,I go into politics. The national police judge people by appearances and the ultra- rightist side with. Jeondaehyubis in conflict with the left and right wing. I am not to be blamed for the accident. I plead extenuating circumstances. I am granted the privileges of ones former post The Commander-In- Chief 1991 Seochonglyunand HERO of Jeondaehyubuniformly. Please return it to me after looking through it. ... ... ★ Politicians of the Hannara Party today are hoplessly corrupt. My statement tallies with the facts. The Hannara Party of conservative decided to settle down here. No revolution.! No unification.! No hope.! This is ones long cherished desire to the Hannara Party of conservative. It will produce an opposite effect to what was intended. I will eatabish the Nation Party the beginning of the year 2009. But I will keep in touch with Jeondaehyub,Hanchonglyun comrades. Jeondaehyub,Hanchonglyun independence group feel somewhat awkward with the Nation Party of the anti-Communism and Conservatism. I walk carefully on the ice. I dont know what all this is about. The state of things come up to ones expectations. The opposition parties urge Lee Myung-Bak Government to do the North Korea policy amendment now. But Lee Myung-Bak Government and the Hannara Party endure through situation. It was decided to make full use of promising new recurits in order to breathe new life into the organization according to custom. Owing to Jeondaehyub,Hanchonglyun members is caught in a trap by Juche ideology group. Independence group of Juche ideology feel ones hair stand on end. But my party is right.! In other words. My party is the general situation.! I go with Lee Myung-Bak reluctantly because of I am the anti-Communism and Conservatism in the Republic of Korea. It is a life and death struggle. ========== Struggle ========== Juche Ideology vs.Anti-Communism I leave apretty long interval between the leading opposition. I break off contact with the outside world. The street was completely empty. Unification is an issue of burning concern. It is ultranationalism. It is revolution. The affair thretens to become serious. I am the top.!
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 01:03:02 +0000

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