Jer 31:10 "Hear the Word of the Lord, O nations, and declare it in - TopicsExpress


Jer 31:10 "Hear the Word of the Lord, O nations, and declare it in the Isles afar off, and say, He who scattered Israel will gather him, and keep him as a shepherd does his flock" and verses 11 onwards. WHAT IS THE MESSAGE HERE? TO WHOM IS THE LORD SPEKING A COMMAND? It is all about Israel here not any other believer... He is speaking to the COASTLANDS...Why the coastlands? THE JEWS WERE MURDERED COLD BLOODEDLY ON THE SHORES FOR THEM TO FALL DEAD INTO THE SEA... AT THE TIME OF THE SPANISH INQUISITION...THEY FLED BY SHIP AND THE COASTLANDS TURNED THEM AWAY.... But look...MOSES WAS SAVED AND CALLED THROUGH THE WATER IN A BASKET... There are evil spirits living in the waters and under the waters of the earth..strongmen hiding to attack and also the DRAGAN will arise from the sea....wich means nations...the waters stand for nations....and the false prphet and the beast (anti christ) will arise from the seas...(nations) I got the revelation from the Lord that the coastlands of some nations ...situated at the ports (gates) of the rest of the country, has to shut the gates to the land and declare salvation and refuge to the rest of the nation in that land..... Every city has light and darkness, and the darkness is the mountain ...the trouble in that city...that is why the Bible says a lamp must be put on the mountain for all to see.... IN THIS MONTH OF JULY...ALL COASTLANDS HAVE TO STAND UP TOGETHER DECLARING SALVATION OVER THE EARTH IN ONE ACCORD AND ACCORDING TO JER 31:10 declare the salvation of ISRAEL IN ONE ACCORD
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 10:33:22 +0000

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