Jersey Jim ITS TIME TO TEAR UP THE RACE CARD--FOREVER-- The black people have made great strides in America. And there are many who think like other americans who only want the best for America. Now they need to get on equal footing with the rest of their fellow Americans. If they continue to hide behind calling people racist everytime anyone questions or critiqus or accuses a black person in public office of something eventually no one will vote them into office. And this would not be racist because no one wants someone in office that can not be removed or that you can not express your opinion about the job their doing only to be told you are a racist. After they have called you a racist they will not discuss the issue any further. Until this is corrected any racial accusation should be dismissed in every case. Only the FACTS should be considered and discussed. They need organizations and in homes to teach young children that they are not going to get ahead if theu become a gangsta Im not saying that there are not black organizations devoted to bettering black people--there are plenty of those but they MAINLY want government money to substitute in place of human HELP and guidence--What they REALLY need in my opinion is a MASSIVE drive to educate the young blacks who are becoming more aggressive bullies, druggies, criminals, and killers because they idolize the gangstas and listened to the mean words of rappers. They grow up trying to imitate them. They need to know that you dont get ahead by doing this. The young kids need to stop idolizing this type of person===the song writter/Rapper and Gangstas. When I was a kid there was a saying that was repeated to me and my friends OVER AND OVER again but I never hear it being said today--Live by the Sword--Die by the Sword In other words if you grow up to be a gansta--you will probably go to jail or worse, get shot. When ever I was tempted to do something I knew was wrong this phrase would stop me. If you could get the young kids to grow up with this phrase in their mind and this kind of attitude they have a better chance of living a happy and worthwhile life instead of looking over their shoulders all the time.---J/J--- ps--Consider erecting a Civil War monmument next to the MLK staue because each played a big roll in freeing the slaves and without one you would never have had the other. Now if we only could get our government to FREE all of us from the slavery of taxation we would truly be FREE
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 15:50:43 +0000

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