Jerusalem Prayer List July 11 2014 By Joseph Shulam – from - TopicsExpress


Jerusalem Prayer List July 11 2014 By Joseph Shulam – from home. Today we returned home after five weeks of travel in Finland and the United States. This was a special trip because we did much teaching and also spent a few days in between teachings with both Barry’s family and Danah and Noaam. It was the first time in several years that our whole family was together and praise God for this opportunity and for the joy of being with children and grandchildren and our daughter-in-law. The teaching was interesting. Returning to Lipscomb University after many years is a real challenge. There is no doubt that things have changed and much has improved in Lipscomb University since the days of the President Athens Clay Pullius. The new generation of administrators has the challenge that every Christian University has and that is how not to become a Christian University of a sectarian denomination even if it is a denomination that claims to be undenominational. This is not a simple task because it seems like in the west all the churches and Christian Colleges are associated with denomination and receive most of their financial help from Christians who are from that denomination. When the financial link is weekend often the University ceases from making “Christian” as a part of the particular identity of the institution. For me it was nice to be back and meet many old acquaintance and friends in the University. It was also nice to present a clear and non-compromising teaching against replacement theology to people who have never considered the evils and damage that replacement theology had throughout the history of Christianity. Upon landing in Israel today we found out that 110 rockets were shot from Gaza against Israeli cities and farms. These rockets reached the outskirst of Haifa, and hit Tel-Avid and Jerusalem and Shederoth, Ashdod, Askelon, and many villages and Kibbutz and farm communities. The Israeli “Iron Dome” defense system intercepted 41 rockets, two of them were intercepted over the Jerusalem sky and metal parts of those intercepted rockets fell on the roofs of several homes. I would like to share with you what our eloquent brother Elhanan has written today: Operation Defensive Edge. Friends: It ought to be very clear to all: No country, no sovereign country will permit a neighboring territory to be the base from which, day-in-and-day-out rockets, mortars and missiles are fired at its citizens, and not respond, and harshly. Indeed, if it were the US, Germany, Russia, China or any other superpower, Gaza would be totally leveled. The State of Israel, a tiny country surrounded by cruelly warring Arab nations and much evil, whose all defensive interest is to ensure the countrys sovereignty and the lives of its citizens, has acted after a long period of pleading with the internationally designated terror Hamas organization to cease the firing of rockets and missiles at its citizens. Elhanan I would like to share just one comment on the manipulative and deceptive tactics that the Arabs propaganda machine is using to deceive and to through sand into the eyes of the United Nations and the World. Israel is doing everything to minimize the number of civilian casualties. Can you imagine an army that is fighting against a terrorist organization like the Hamas that is supported by the Hezbollah that is supported by Iran that is one of the main nations in the axis of evil that the USA named? The Israeli army is the only army in the history of warfare that gave a physical warning to the enemy before the bombing. The buildings that Israel is going to bomb first get a phone call to vacate the building and than a knock on the roof with small arms and only than they send the big one. What does the Hamas do in these occasions – they gather the people on the roof of the building and use them as human shields? This is the real criminal action of a terrorist organization and this is what the world has to repudiate. This whole round of horrible terrorism started when the Hamas kidnapped and murdered three innocent Jewish Yeshiva students. We too have some stupid Jews and as an act of revenge six orthodox Yeshiva students kidnaps a 17-year-old Arab boy kill him in revenge and burn his body. This was wrong and terrible, but immediately the world forgot the three Jewish boys who were kidnapped and murdered, and immediately the Arabs Judea and Samaria and in the Negev and the Galilee joined together to riot and burn and pillage. The amazing thing is that there was very few wounded from these events. Israel has been acting responsibly in all this. Every one must admit that in a volatile situation like this people ought to stay out of trouble and away from the points of conflict. When people go out to riot and participate in violence they should expect to be restrained by the police and security forces. This is the job of the security forces in every country – that is to keep the peace and calm. This is what happened to the cousin of the murdered Arab youth – he participated in demonstration and riots and got beaten badly. The world automatically takes the side of the Palestinian Arab terrorists and is so quick to condemn Israel. I ask you all to pray for both Israel and the Arabs even for the leadership of the Palestinians. Just as I am writing this Prayer List a barrage of fifty rockets were shot from Gaza on Tel-Aviv, Ashdod, and some of the other places in the northern Negev, and also from Lebanon to northern Israel near Mettula. There was a hit in Ashdod on a big refueling truck that was just filling up the tanks in a gas station. There are two people seriously wounded, and the gas station is in danger of explosion. Israel must seek an end to this terrorist state in Gaza and although the task is not simple and there are some civilian casualties on both sides the only logical choice is for Israel to take serious enough action and put an end to the Mafia style Gaza Hamas Terror Inc. We all realize that the manipulative lies of the Hamas are wining the media’s attention in the West, but at the same time people who are savvy know to go to Google and see that they are using pictures from Syria and claiming that they are from Gaza. Israel is doing only what it has to do to stop the rockets that terrorists are shooting day and night on Israeli civilian population centers. They are willing to hit hospitals and schools and residential buildings without an account of how many people they kill. Their goal is to kill civilians and sow havoc and fear. Our military is doing everything to avoid civilian casualties in Gaza and using great restraint. You need to pray for the sons of light to win this war against the sons of darkness. Continue to pray for the building in progress. Now it is the month of Ramadan – one of Islam’s most holy holidays. The Arabs celebrate Ramadan by fasting during the day and feast during the night for 30 days. The builders in our building are Jews but the workers are Arab Muslims. This will slow the building by a month, but we hope it will not change our estimated date for the dedication of the building on Hanukah 2014. We have had promises by dear friends to help with the finances of the building but these have not yet materialized. Please pray that the Lord will bless all those have the desire and have the means to be awakened by the Holy Spirit and make their sacrificial offering. The promise of God to Abraham is still valid and those who bless the Seed of Abraham in the Flesh will be receiving the blessing that God promised Abraham. To those of you who have been blessing Israel and sacrificing for Israel and for Netivyah, I say God bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you. Thank you very much for your contribution for the building, and for the general fund and for the food distribution program in Jerusalem. Our dear Brother Udi is doing better and for this we must praise the Lord, but at the same time we ask you to continue praying for Udi’s recovery and total remission from the cancer. We have another special request for a real soldier of Yeshua the Messiah – Lonnie Smith. Lonnie is near 90 years old and in failing health. Please mention Lonnie Smith in your prayers and ask for grace and strength for this dear brother. We also continue to ask for prayer for healing for Ruby, Marcia’s family H.E. and June Saunders, Marguerite, Paulo, Tim Tucker, Shoko San, Tomoko San, Takeo Sensei, Toru San, and Sadako San, Anna, and Sato-Maria. All these brothers and sisters in the USA, Brazil, Japan and Finland, are true prayer warriors for Israel. In Israel we continue to pray for the chronically ill brothers and sisters. Most of them are up in age and wonderfully faithful brothers and sisters. They are all waiting to see the return of the Messiah and our prayer for them is to be strong and age gracefully until He comes: Leah, Ilana, Ahuva, Sara and Zvi, Zion, and Miriam, Tatiana, and Sarit. For the younger set of chronically ill brothers and sisters, I would like to ask you to lift Marcia my wife and David S., and Zvi D. These are brothers who serve and have served the Lord faithfully for so many years and we wish them all a touch of divine healing. This prayer list is becoming long and I will stop now. Please take your prayers earnestly because you can’t imagine how powerful your prayers can be and how much influence you might have by your prayers and by your actions upon the outcome of reality. God be with you and with us and with all of Israel, Joseph Shulam P.S. – We thank God and praise Him for bringing us back home safe and sound.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 13:19:55 +0000

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