Jerusalem Prayer List July 30th, 2014 By Joseph Shulam - TopicsExpress


Jerusalem Prayer List July 30th, 2014 By Joseph Shulam Israel is at war with a terrorist organization called Hamas in Gaza. The same terrorist ideology and tactics and goals of the Hamas are shared with El-Qaeda, ISIS, Hezbollah, the Islamic Jihad, Boku Haram in Nigeria, and others around the world. All these terrorist organization are fighting, not for land, and not for financial issues, they are fighting for their religious ideology against Jews, Christians, and all non-Muslims. They state clearly that they want the elimination of Israel, and the spread of Islam around the whole world. Israel is not fighting against the Palestinian people, nor is it fighting against the people of Gaza. This war in Gaza is against terrorists who have done their best to kill civilians for several years. Since the beginning of this war twenty three days ago Hamas has shot more than 2500 rockets throughout the whole land of Israel with only one aim that is to kill Jews. They have tried and at times succeeded to slaughter whole families at one time, like the Fogel family who was sleeping in their beds and two terrorist entered the village and came into the family home and killed the whole family save three younger children who were not at home at that time. The names of the five family members murdered in the Itamar (the name of the village) terror attack were: Udi Fogel, 36, Ruth Fogel, 35, and their children Yoav, 11, Elad, 4, and three-month-old Hadas. The three siblings who survived the attack are Tamar 12, Roi 8, and two-year-old Yishai. They were staying with their grandparents at this time. War is war and it is never something good! I don’t believe that there are people in leadership in Israel who want war, not this war, nor any other war. This war was imposed upon us by terrorist who sent murderers to kidnap and kill three innocent students, and shot thousands of rockets for the last three years on peaceful farm communities in the northern Negev. There is a whole generation of children who had to spend many nights in shelters fearing for their lives. We are all sad and regretful for the death of innocent civilians on both sides. We are also sad for the thousands of families in Israel who have lost loved ones. Seeing the pictures of our young soldiers, talented, smart, hansom, full of life and great potential to do good for humanity, who have lost their lives at the hand of the terrorists; it breaks our hearts and brings tears to our eyes. Please pray for Israel, and for the Palestinians! Pray that God will make peace between the sons of Ishmael and Isaac, and between the sons of Esau and Jacob. This land is sufficient for both our nations, and we can and we should find ways to live side by side in peace and prosperity. Please pray for the innocent people of Gaza. Here is what has come out in the news since Sunday: “Dozens of Palestinians came out yesterday (Sunday) evening from Beit Hanoun to complain and protest the devastation in Gaza, and accused Hamas of deteriorating condition. One of them shot in the leg of an UNRWA employee, due to an argument over food distribution. Event has evolved into a mass fight between residents of Beit Hanoun and Jabaliya refugee camp and Hamas members, who considered them together traitors who are in cooperation with Israel, and opened fire at them fatal. 5 were killed, and dozens wounded.” Israels Channel 10 has reported (Monday) that dozens of Palestinians emerged from the devastated Gaza neighborhood of Shajaiya to protest against the war, and that Hamas rounded twenty of them up and shot them in the street. Not all Palestinians in Gaza support Hamas, but Hamas has an original solution for dealing with these people: executing them. I believe that the people of Gaza deserve peace and freedom and work and prosperity and security. They don’t need to have their houses bombed and they don’t need to turn their homes into weapon storage and rocket storage and their schools and hospitals into command and control centers for terrorist organizations. You pray with us for the innocent people in the whole Middle East, which are in Israel, Gaza, and the Palestinian part of the West Bank, Syria, Libya, Lebanon, and Iraq. As Disciples of Yeshua all we want is peace, love, and a blessing for all people and especially for those who seek peace and trust in God. We have brothers in the faith in all the Arab countries and we pray for them all to find strength and peace and remain faithful. We pray for the world to see the suffering and the anguish of the followers of Yeshua who are being persecuted and discriminated against and stand with those of the household of faith. We ask you to especially pray for the safety of the following men who are in the military right now: Seth, Rafi, John, Ariel S., Reuven, Ariel B., Itai, Max, and many others from congregations in Israel. We continue to pray for the sick. We ask for healing and strength for our older brothers and sisters and we trust in the power of prayer for healing: Udi, Ahuva, Leah, Ilana, Sara and especially Zvi these days, Zvi D., Ruby, Tim Tucker, Paulo, Tatiane, and Marcia. Keep praying for Lonnie Smith, Takeo Sensei, Tomoko San, Sadako San, Shoko San, and Watanabe San. Please keep praying for the finances that we need for the building. We are as they say ON the Wire. We have full faith and confidence in God and in our brothers and sisters around the world. We believe that God will impress on His children to stand with Jerusalem and with the building of the first Synagogue for Jewish Disciples of Yeshua in this important city of the Great King, Jerusalem. We continue the food program and the people of Jerusalem at this time seem to have increased needs. With God’s help we are doing our best and standing in the gap to feed the needy. We bless all of you who pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for us in Netivyah. Joseph Shulam
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 13:40:26 +0000

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