Jerusalem had been honored of God above all the earth. The Lord - TopicsExpress


Jerusalem had been honored of God above all the earth. The Lord had chosen Zion, He had desired it for His habitation(Ps.132:13). Had Israel as a nation preserved her allegiance to Heaven, Jerusalem would have stood forever, the elect of God.(Jer.17:21-25) But the history of that favored people was a record of backsliding and rebellion. They had resisted Heavens Grace, abused their privileges, and slighted their opportunities. Although Israel had mocked the messengers of God, and despised His words, and misused His prophets(2Chron.36:16), He had manifested Himself to them, as the Lord God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth(Ex.34:6); notwithstanding repeated rejections, His mercy had continued its pleadings. With more than a fathers pitying love for the son of his care, God had sent to them by His messengers, rising up betimes, and sending; because He had compassion on His people, and on His dwelling place(2Chron.36:15). When remonstrance, entreaty., and rebuke had failed, He sent to them the best gift of heaven; He poured out all heaven in that one Gift. The Son of God Himself was sent to plead with the impenitent city. It was Christ that had brought Israel as a godly vine out of Egypt.(Ps.80:8) His own hand had cast out the heathen before it. He planted it in a very fruitful hill, His guardian care had hedged it about. His servants had been sent to nurture it. What could have been done more to My vineyard, He exclaims, that I have not done in it?(Isa.5:1-4) For three years the Lord of light and glory had gone in and out among His people. He went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil, binding up the brokenhearted, setting at liberty them that were bound, restoring sight to the blind, causing the lame to walk and the deaf to hear, cleansing the lepers, raising the dead, and preaching the gospel to the poor. (Acts 10:38) (Lk.4:18)(Matt.11:5) Though rewarded with evil for good, and hatred for His love (Ps.109:5), He had steadfastly pursued His mission of mercy. But Israel had turned from her best Friend and only Helper. The pleading of His love had been despised, His counsels spurned, His warnings ridiculed. The hour of hope and pardon was fast passing; the cup of Gods long-deferred wrath was almost full. The cloud that had been gathering through ages of apostasy and rebellion, now black with woe, was about to burst upon a guilty people; and He who alone could save them from their impending fate had been slighted, abused, rejected, and was soon to be crucified. When Christ should hang upon the cross of Calvary, Israels day as a nation favored and blessed of God would be ended. The long-suffering of God toward Jerusalem only confirmed the Jews in their stubborn intelligence. In their hatred and cruelty toward the disciples of Jesus they rejected the last offer of mercy.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 20:18:38 +0000

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