Jerusalem is burning Once upon a time, the State of Israel used - TopicsExpress


Jerusalem is burning Once upon a time, the State of Israel used to have real political leaders. Their ability to lie and to hide their real (and ugly) goals under a cover of moderation and readiness for compromises made them popular around the (Western) world, arguing that the problem was the lack of partner on the other side, who will be ready – as the Israeli leaders supposedly were – to make dolorous compromises. David Ben-Gurion was that kind of great leader-liar, and due to his abilities to hide his deeds behind a smokescreen of lies, was able to get the support of the International Community for the establishment of the State of Israel. Teddy Kolek, mayor of Jerusalem in 1967 was able to annex East Jerusalem and still keep the image of a moderate politician motivated by the will to act for full equality between Jews and Arabs in the united city. The present leadership of Israel has forgot almost everything they should have learn from the founding fathers, including the ability to lie. They say openly that they are not interested in any kind of compromise, that they despise the very idea of equality between Jews and Arabs, and that Judaisation of the West Bank, including Jerusalem, is their strategic objective. Such a straight forward discourse makes Mahmud Abbas extreme moderation a sad joke: he has no Israeli partner for any kind of compromise, sand his appeals for a return to peace negotiations are rightly perceived as pathetic. After years of wait and see, the Palestinian people has lost any trust in a political settlement between the PLO and Israel. He believes in the acts of the Israeli government and not any more in the empty promises of their President. The Israeli far-right government has decided to burry Mahmud Abbas under a series of provocations, mainly by building new settlements, not discretely as the US administration is suggesting, but with voicy announcements. Moreover: they have decided to push the provocation even further, by supporting Israeli right wing activists raiding al-Aqsa mosque, the most symbolic site note only for the Palestinian people, but for hundreds of millions of Muslims throughout the world. The last provocations in al-Aqsa may well have been one step too much: in the last few weeks, the Palestinian population of Jerusalem is in a state of revolt, and Jerusalem a city at war; a low intensity war, but a war: the Palestinians are demonstrating to defend their Holly Site, and ready to confront Israeli police brutality in order to stop the new Israeli aggression. Hundreds of armed policemen brutally attacking young demonstrators, tear gas, helicopters permanently flying over the city - but every day the mobilization is getting more momentum. Few months ago, I suggested that the next Intifada will be in Jerusalem: Netanyahu, Benett and the Israeli Mayor Barkat, are doing their best to fulfill this prediction. Published in, website of the Alternative Information Center
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 15:55:43 +0000

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