Jerusalem— The City without a Country United States government - TopicsExpress


Jerusalem— The City without a Country United States government is purposefully and intentionally cursing Israel "In truth, it is not up to the President or Congress or the courts or any other nation to say what the capital of Israel is. God himself recognizes Jerusalem as the capital. If you doubt that, simply read Second Chronicles 33:7: “In this temple and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, I will put my Name forever.” I am outraged and broken-hearted over the recent US Federal Appellate Court ruling that overturned the law passed by Congress that Americans born in Jerusalem could have Israel listed on their passports as their birthplace. The court ruled that only the President—not Congress—could make that determination. This case has been going back and forth through the court system for a decade now. Menachem Zivotofsky, a US citizen, was born in Jerusalem. His parents want his passport to say that he was born in Israel as the law allows. The Supreme Court last year insisted by an 8-1 vote that the case be heard (the lower court wouldn’t even rule on it before that), and this decision is the result. According to the unanimous ruling of the court, President Obama “exclusively holds the power to determine whether to recognize a foreign sovereign.” In other words, it is up to him to say whether Jerusalem is Israel’s capital. Since the rebirth of Israel in 1948, US presidents have refused to take a stand on the status of Jerusalem, bowing to pressure from Arab countries. It remains one of the most difficult issues on the list of challenges to be resolved in any future peace talks. Yet Israel is the only country in the world that is not allowed to choose its own capital. Individuals born in Moscow, Havana, or Tehran, are recognized as a citizen of the corresponding country, but not those born in Jerusalem. This is true even though Jerusalem was the capital of Israel thousands of years before Moscow, Havana, or Tehran was founded. The Arab world has been in a perpetual state of war against the nation of Israel since 1948. Sometimes it is a hot war and sometimes it is a cold war, but it is always war. Even in the rare instances when peace treaties are signed, such as the one with Egypt, it is more a temporary respite than a permanent peace. It is because of the hatred that drives this war that the United States, in a blatant act of appeasement, continues to refuse to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and calls her land “occupied territories.” The Koran calls for perpetual battle against Christians and Jews: “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued” (Surah 9:29). This verse testifies to the futility of US-negotiated peace talks between Israel and any Muslim country. Promises are made to be broken, and often those promises are broken where Israel is concerned. In truth, it is not up to the President or Congress or the courts or any other nation to say what the capital of Israel is. God himself recognizes Jerusalem as the capital. If you doubt that, simply read Second Chronicles 33:7: “In this temple and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, I will put my Name forever.” Long before there was a United States or a Supreme Court to try to dictate to Israel what their capital should be, Jehovah declared to His capital city: “I have set watchmen upon the walls O Jerusalem which shall never hold their peace day or night. Ye that make mention of the Lord keep not silent. Give him no rest, till he establish, till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth,” (Isaiah 62:6-7). During the Civil War, Edward Everett Hale wrote a famous short story called “A Man without a Country.” Today Jerusalem, in the eyes of the United States and much of the rest of the world, is a city without a country. This is an offense and an abomination to Almighty God. The United States is purposefully and intentionally cursing Israel, Jerusalem, and the Jewish people. And while that act may be ignored by many, God notices, and He never forgets. He always keeps His promises—both the promises of blessing and the promises of cursing. In Hebrew, Genesis 12:3 says that those who curse the seed of Abraham will receive heavy blows. I do not want to see God’s judgment fall on our nation…and I know you feel the same way. So despite the refusal of our leaders to support Israel and recognize Jerusalem, you and I must take our stand…and that is exactly what the Jerusalem Prayer Team is doing with your help. Dr. Mike Evans Jerusalem Prayer Team
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 11:27:42 +0000

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