Jesse Marshall, as requested, this is what you wrote for Harleys - TopicsExpress


Jesse Marshall, as requested, this is what you wrote for Harleys Eulogy. You did a bloody good job and should be very proud of yourself, we are! This is a reflection of how long weve known Harley from as longs as 15 years to as short as 6 months! Hi my name is Jesse Marshall. I am speaking on behalf of some of Morries closest friends. Many of you know him as Morrie, Moza, Gingie etc. His passing has impacted on all of us on many different levels. Ever since weve known Morries he has had that same cheeky smile and that look of I didnt do it. He never turned down a free beer or food no matter what sort or time of day. He was always one to be last up finishing all the booze. He had so many random sayings like wash it down with a double brown or no party like an otter party and when you gave him a beer he would tell you the story of how there is going to be a fuel injected chainsaw one day. Morrie would always have his funnel at every party trying to get someone to go first and trying to get the party started! Harley must have come out of his shell in the last few years as weve heard that he was the wallflower but since weve known him he has been at the front of everything from running down the road naked at Wolfys to doing a salmon whether in to water or into a bush! We will never forget the mighty Vanguard. He was always talking about buying a 350 Chev off some guy for 1500 Bux but that plan never worked. The day he got that baby fired up he was straight away calling every man and his dog telling them the good news but all you could hear was its backfire! The day he bought his pride and joy the 323 Wagon would go down as one of his proudest moments! He had a grin from ear to ear. Thats when the problems started. He has owned it for about a year and I think its been going properly all up for about a month. Weve all lent a hand to fix it and to get it going for the countless road trips to the drags with a bungee cord holding down the boot, to the Roto Nats where he borrowed a gearbox!. There has been countless gearboxes, axles etc and thanks Shannon for his midnight tow services!! The stories could go on for hours but this is one of the most memorable and most suitable... After a boozy night in the back of one of the many vans, our good friend decided that he was hungry and that he would jump on the flat scooter with only a pull cord for a throttle cable, no helmet, no lights, deregistered, definitely not road legal. Wearing only shorts, shoes and his St Pauls duffle coat he was off toward Mobil Clyde Street. He got there safely but on the way back there happened to be a police officer who spotted his swerving left to right with lots of pies and bright orange mane! Morrie being Morrie saw this officer of the law and decided he could get away if he swerved down a side street, in to a driveway and in to a bush where he hid for a while. Once he got back with all of our cold squashed pies he had that cheeky smile that we all know and that look of I didnt do it But we all knew Morrie couldnt help but tell someone of his adventure. You will always be with us everywhere and you couldnt ask for a better that..even though he wasnt that much help sometimes when it came to OUR cars but we still love you buddy!!
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 05:52:05 +0000

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