Jesse Williams is an actor. i cant say that im familiar with his - TopicsExpress


Jesse Williams is an actor. i cant say that im familiar with his work, but after reading these comments, im a fan. son is OFFICIAL: after blasting a teen to death in front of 6+ eyewitnesses, it doesnt appear that Darren Wilson will even have to get off his couch. very rarely are there over 6 eyewitnesses to a murder. that alone, never mind the immutable facts, warrants a trial. we have a system for that. if an entire police dept doesnt trust the [legal] system they are sworn to support, how can those under its boot and gun be expected to? wait for the facts while simultaneously manipulating completely unsubstantiated gossip engineered specifically to justify brutalization. lets entertain the intellectual laziness of the actual conspiracy theorists for a second...lets say Mike Brown did fight with Darren Wilson- lets say it was worse, HE SHOT UP A THEATER. no weapon + significant distance = Cant Kill. of course Mike Browns blood is in the car- the cop shot him. giving him every reason to run. none of Darren Wilsons blood in the car though. the new marketplace of anonymous message board tough guys, twitter trolls and cowardly lions will continue to rejoice. with the swell of black death at the hands of cops and vigilantes, i have some genuine questions for this specific segment of the population: you loud few, relishing in blustery opinion over fact. lurking in anonymity, unable to survive outside the lazy comfort of of conclusions drawn long ago, unencumbered by the inconvenient realities of actual information. when men violently assault women, your reaction is never well, girls hit girls all the time. that would be repugnant. consider why. why do so many of you reflexively defend, identify with, and antagonize on behalf of whiteness whenever blackness is involved? you dont feel compelled to justify every thing done by everyone who happens to be straight or male or right-handed. so why whiteness? what about black pain is so fun to you? from where is that joy derived? when Halloween comes around, how exactly does dressing as Trayvon and other illustrations of black pain, make you feel? please be specific. we dont reflexively celebrate random or routine white death, make memes of your bleeding corpses, etc. tell us about this unique obsession. millions of you smile in awe of our music, comedy, inventions, athletics, fashion, etc. but when were not entertaining you, you hate us? how does that work exactly? how is the fact that police are killing 400 people a year not worthy of investigation and remedy? from 2006-2012 a white police officer killed a black PERSON at least twice a week in this country. by saying so, i have not attacked you. by asking that laws protect citizens from publicly sanctioned carnage, you still, have not been attacked. you choose what role you take on. how is it possible that for so many, their first and only concern is whiteness and the power to keep killing with impunity? there is no American epidemic of white people being killed, by anyone. why would there need to be? wearing an Irish or Italian Pride tee shirt would never offend you. but Black folks expressing general esteem or citizenship does? why? Blackness has never been a threat to whiteness. Whiteness has always actively threatened blackness. this is not a matter of opinion. White people have played a crucial role in nearly every social justice movement in this country. indifference is not your duty or heritage. you need not carry the heavy, hollow burden of racism any longer. leave it behind. be for something, and not because its easy. #FergusonOctober #JusticeForMikeBrown
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 07:28:45 +0000

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