Jesse had many handsome sons, but David was considered not much - TopicsExpress


Jesse had many handsome sons, but David was considered not much important than other brothers, its the reason he was ordered to be Shepard, when God sent Samuel to anoint the right man in the house of Jesse he found Davids brothers well prepared for the occasion, because everyone wanted a senior position, but David was not in the house, when Samuel chose the most handsome guy God said to him he isnt the one, he tried all of them but none of was the right one, until Samuel asked if theyre his only sons, Jesse said theres a small boy in a bush, Samuel said send someone to call him, my dear when Gods grace is upon your life is upon your life, they may try to contest for your blessings but they shall not win, a durty boy was annoited to be king, those who took their suits to dry clean they werent annoited, dirty as youre you qualify for great things, maybe when they plan for family meeting in your family youre not invited, but God see a great person in you, your name may not be written in your fathers will, but glory unto Jesus Christ for it is written in a will from above, with man you dont qualify, but with god you qualify, David was not even told about the occasion, but at the end the occasion couldnt started in his absence, mmmmm God is telling to tell someone who is sidelined by his/ her family members that your flocks will come running begging for help from you, you may not br important to them but youre too precious before the eyes of the Lord, I say as a man of God youre the right one wena.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 20:48:12 +0000

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