Jesse returned to his Master. “I could feel it,” he said, - TopicsExpress


Jesse returned to his Master. “I could feel it,” he said, trying to keep the excitement from his voice as Sir Mi-kume peered into his eyes. “I could see it, Master. Everything he was going to do, I knew it before he even did.” “The Way can heighten one’s senses,” Sir Mi-kume said. “One can read a man’s intentions in his posture, in the involuntary twitch of a muscle or a shift in his posture. You have begun a journey that will end when you have learned to master the Way and take your place in the Order- or when the Way has judged you unfit and cast you aside. Be careful, my prince,” the knight went on, his blue eyes hard as ice. “You play at a game here, and are amused- but the forces that make our Order so powerful as an agent of the White are not meant for games or self-satisfaction. If you would use the Way for your own advantage, selfishly or for personal gain, then you have taken your first step down a road where I cannot follow.” “I don’t understand,” Jesse said. “I only fought to the best of my ability.” Sir Mi-kume’s glance softened- a bit. “I know you don’t, Jesse,” he said. “You are yet to begin your training, but already the Way is acting through you. Take care! For ambition, even an ambition to do well, is a dangerous thing. Many a man who felt that he could use his power for whatever he desired himself has followed that path until he fell from the Black Edge, and into the pit that waits to devour all who are not worthy.” Jesse nodded and went to join the ranks of the fighters. Sir Mi-kume sensed something then, a peril that he could not name. Was it a threat to the prince? Was it the threat that came with the unfolding of the boy’s powers when he still had not begun to learn the teachings of the Order? He could not tell. Something was wrong- but looking into the future was like throwing a rock into a pond and then trying to look at the reflection of the world held in each rippling wave of the water. The knight’s eyes ran over the people gathered here; simple folk, good folk of the earth- but there was a dread. His gaze fell on the huge form of Brutal Tom and he started, shaken. The giant stared back at him, no expression at all in his one good eye.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 14:19:39 +0000

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