Jessica Klassen challenged me to list the 10 books that most - TopicsExpress


Jessica Klassen challenged me to list the 10 books that most impacted me. There have been so many but these are the ones I would say I remember the most. There was a book I read in Elementary school that I have not been able to find again. It was called the Happiest Planet but I have no idea who wrote it. So, Ill pass along the challenge to Krystl Thompson, Jeanne Cottrell Markowicz, Bonnie Jones, Faith McConnell Camper, JC Haines , Michael Brandeberry and Steven Iverson to list your 10 books. 1. To Kill a Mocking Bird – Harper Lee 2. The Bible 3. The Secret Garden- Frances Hodgon Burnett 4. Watership Down- Richard Adams 5. Little Women- Louisa May Alcott 6. Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder. 7. The Happy Hollisters Series- Jerry West. 8. Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys books- Pretty much all of them. 9. Harry Potter series- J.K. Rowling. 10. The Hot Zone-Richard Preston.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 21:33:51 +0000

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