Jessica’s 42nd Email! August 3, 2014 WOOTWOOT. New transfer! - TopicsExpress


Jessica’s 42nd Email! August 3, 2014 WOOTWOOT. New transfer! New companion! So fun! Ok. Transfers! My new companion is Sister DEYRO! She is great. So hardworking and ahhh I just love it. We talk to EVERYONE. We have found so many new potentials and ahh making such progress in the area in just one week. Now that Ive got a say, finally working this area like Ive been dreaming of my 3 months here. SO Sister Deyro! So sweet. Filipina. Has like 7 months in the mission. Likes nighttime hugs (working on not cringing, but shes so sweet, I cant tell her how I dislike companion hugs haha). She is 19, I think the only sister missionary Ive ever met whos younger than me (Sister Green maybe? Cant remember. OH, which reminds me. She had to go home for health problems. MTC comp, remember her? Anyway. So sad pray for her!) So yes, sister Deyro calls me ate (older sister) and we are enjoying our time together so far! Were gonna turn this area around. Last Monday, not sure what the deal was, but I fell... okay, I fell twice! Im usually pretty talented in walking, but idk what was going on. Both times I was down, DOWN. The first was in Centro of Naga, way crowded. The sidewalk had a hole in it. A HOLE. Why?!?!? Im not sure, but it was just the prefect size of my shoe and I fell in up to my knee. Its ok though, only like 200 people saw. The second one was on the steps outside of our house. So ya, the legs are pretty cut up, maybe Ill get some cool battle scars and can make up a cool story about living in the jungle in the Philippines... shhhhh. Other than the pain, oh wait! More pain…Super glue. To this day I have still never used that stuff successfully without gluing my hands together. But this time was pretty bad! K! I think thats all for this weeks injuries. OH MY! SISTER TAYLOR IS HOME!!!! I mean Jaycee, I mean ahhhh. I dont even know. So crazy/exciting/fun/insane. When you bump into her at BYU everyone in the fall, say hi!!!! Shes the best, youll love her. She is so great and sent me such a great email and ahhh it goes so fast! This week along with all our finding we did a few more service projects. One was to help a less active member harvest her gulay. So we go there at the time and place she said. Well, Miss Sally was nowhere to be found. Luckily Ive picked up some skills of navigating through rice fields over the months so we found our way out. Too bad we couldnt help, but hey! Its always an adventure in the Philippines. Oh ya, and there was that time sister Deyro fell off the path into the muddy rice plants hahaha. MIRACLE!!!! How did I almost forget this! K sister Deyros first evening here I took her to a less actives house. We were just starting to share a little message from the Book of Mormon when her aunt came in so I invited her to join. She sat right down so we kinda gave an overview of the Book of Mormon and read a chapter. Left a copy with her and scheduled a return appt. We came back Friday. SHE WAS IN 2nd NEPHI!!!! Whatttt?!?!? Who does that?? Ahhh I was so happy I couldnt even think for like 3 minutes. And the best part is she actually read! People always lie to us about reading, but nope, not her! She recounted the whole 1st Nephi! She even remembered about Zoram! Nobody remembers Zoram! And! We taught her husband! A family! They were all supposed to come to church, but didnt show. We went over last night to follow up and they told us they didnt have fare to go to church. But were gonna go get them and walk with them next week and ahhhh. SOOOO golden. We really see miracles in the work.... when we actually get out to work. Grateful for a change :) We have probably found more people this week than my last 2 transfers here combined. There are some missionaries who like to keep teaching the same people no matter how much they dont progress. Thats just not the way I like to do things. Its like a glorious spring cleaning!!! Ahh…out with the old and in with the new. Love it!! Ok! SO a horrible thing happened. Wont go into detail, but a Baptist preacher lady got hold of one of our investigators and has been brainwashing her. We were there teaching her and this lady shows up and just ripped us apart. I thought I had seen bible bashers out here, but I was wrong. She said horrible things about the Book of Mormon, Prophets, Joseph Smith and just all of our beliefs. Just hearing someone say that about the things so dear to me really hit me. After about 20 minutes I was not down to just politely keep telling her we didnt want to argue. I bore testimony of the simple truths that I KNOW to be true. As horrible as it was to hear those things said about the men who have done so much for our salvation, it was a huge testimony builder to me. I was so grateful for the opportunity to defend the things I love in this life. I KNOW that this church is true. I KNOW that Joseph Smith was called of God. I KNOW that Thomas S. Monson is our prophet in this day. I KNOW that God has a plan for all of us, no matter how hard the path seems, he is there to guide us back to him. I love this gospel and I am so grateful for my membership in Christs church. And I cant tell you how grateful I am for this chance I have to serve a mission. I will keep doing what I can to help people find the joy that the gospel gives to our lives!!! Thank you all for your love and support!!!! Daniel and Christie, travel safe! And Dad and the Don, enjoy El Salvador! Much love, Sister Richmond Top 10 1. WE HAVE KURYENTE!!!! After 3 weeks, Ive never been so happy to turn on the light. Cold water and fans at night/ Life doesnt get much better than this!!! 2. Sister Deyro 3. My whole batch was at transfers again 4. White Bean last P-day! The cutest most delicious little American cafe 5. New Investigators. FINDING 6. So effective with time again. really satisfying for my OCD 7. District lunch- pizza!!!! 8. Taught a lady with 16 kids... what the 9. Stake lied to all the aux leaders yesterday about a stake council meeting to get them all there but it was really a family history workshop. idk why that makes me laugh so much. 10. Just a wonderful week full of MIRACLES
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 06:34:07 +0000

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