Jesus Christ Jesus said to her " I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE - TopicsExpress


Jesus Christ Jesus said to her " I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE " John 14:6 Hey , you looking for answers and can not find them . Responses to injustices that bother you since childhood ; answers to attitudes of those close to you that hurt you without apparent motivation ; answers to insurmountable problems . It is for you that Jesus says : " I am the way , the truth and the life " (John 14:6 ) . Undeniable fact that Freud , Young, Marx , Weber , Nietzsche , Socrates , Bourdieu , left great legacies to mankind . Helped us understand the mind (often unhealthy ) some people , helped in the mission to unlock some " whys " about the behavior of our society increasingly individualistic , immediate and petty . But do not explain everything. For you, dear , I give them advice. JESUS IS THE TRUTH , not a version or a supplement. He was not only a " great guy " or a person who left great teachings , as some proclaim . One of two things . Either Jesus was a madman , a lunatic , saying it was God or He was indeed the Son of the God of Israel , who was sent to earth to die for our sins . One day Jesus said to the Jews have known Abraham ( who lived over 2000 years before Jesus ) " They said therefore to him , the Jews are not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham? Jesus answered them , Verily , verily I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I AM . " (John 8:57-58 ) The name Ehyeh ( Hebrew: אֶהְיֶה ) comes from the phrase אהיה אשר אהיה " ehyeh - asher - ehyeh " ( Exodus 3:14 ) , usually translated as I AM THAT I AM . In other words , Jesus is the Son of God and is also God himself , the second person of the Trinity . The tombs of Freud , Young, Marx , Weber , Nietzsche , Socrates and Bourdieu are visited and even worshiped . Who already visit the tomb of Jesus in Jerusalem , will be faced only with the sign on the door : " HE IS NOT HERE . FOR HE IS RISEN " , or " NOT HERE . He Rose " . Is seated at the right hand of God the Father and will return to earth to reign in the New Jerusalem ! Seek your answers in the Bible and be fully satisfied. After all , there is nothing that the Holy Spirit that created the universe does not know .
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 23:06:09 +0000

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