Jesus Christ: To the Muslim, Jesus Christ is merely one of - TopicsExpress


Jesus Christ: To the Muslim, Jesus Christ is merely one of the many prophets of Allah (Sura: 4:171; 5:74). According to Islam, the prophet Muhammad supersedes Jesus Christ. Islam says Jesus Christ is not the Son of God or part of any Trinity (Surah 5:17; 5:116; 19:35). We are told by Islam that Jesus was the Messiah (Surah 3:45; 4:157; 171), but nothing but a slave on whom God showed favor (Surah 43:59); yet elsewhere in the Quran we are told the Messiah is not a slave (Surah 4:172). The Quran tells us that Jesus Christ did not atone for anyones sins, although he was himself sinless (Surah 3:46) and is one of those who are near to God (Surah 3:45). Positively, the Quran says that Jesus Christ performed miracles (Surah 3:49; 5:110) and was the Messiah. The Quran says Jesus did not die on a cross. Various Muslim traditions say that Jesus either miraculously substituted Judas Iscariot for himself on the cross, or that God miraculously delivered Him from the hands of the Romans and Jews before He could be crucified. Most Muslims believe that Jesus Christ was taken bodily into heaven without having died (Surah 4:157). However, Surah 19:33 says Jesus died and would be resurrected. Muhammad on the other hand died in his wife Aishas home, not long after he was poisoned by a slave girl. Muhammads body was lowered into a hole in Medina, and his dead body was covered by dirt and brickwork. It is interesting to compare Jesus and Muhammad according to the Quran. Jesus did miracles (Surah 3:49; 5:110), but Muhammad did not (Surah 13:8: thou art a warner [of coming divine judgment] only; also 6:37; 6:109; 17:59 and 17:90-93). Jesus was sinless (Surah 3:46), but Muhammad sinned and needed forgiveness (Surah 40:55: Ask forgiveness of thy sin; 42:5: Ask forgiveness for those on the Earth; 47:19: Ask forgiveness for thy sin ; 48:2: that Allah may forgive thee of thy sin). Jesus was called the Messiah by Allah in the Quran. And Jesus was even born of a virgin (Surah 3:45-57)! Yet Muhammad who had 12 wives, 2 concubines, and participated in many attacks on innocent caravans and villages, and insisted on 20% of all the booty from these raids -- is supposed to be the greatest of the prophets. Both Muslim holy books (Quran/Koran and Hadith) contain commands for Muslims to subjugate the world, militarily. Muhammad commanded Muslims to spread Islam through Offensive Jihad; or conquest of non-Muslim lands. Muslims are also commanded to take back any land that was formerly Muslim, such as Israel. Radical Muslims believe that they are Mujahideen, or holy warriors of Allah. Their goal, like Islams goal is to establish the entire world as a pure Islamic state (a Khalifah), which conforms to Islamic laws. An example of what Muslim children are taught in Muslim schools is this statement, found in a Jordanian/Palestinian school book in 1998: This religion (Islam) will destroy all other religions through the Islamic Jihad fighters Read the true history of Islam below and then look into your own heart to see if you are missing something; or if you have been lied to regarding Islam itself. This information on the history of Muhammad and the history of Islam comes primarily from Muslim historians and from the Quran (Koran) itself... These and other references/sources used for this study follow below: Quran / Koran itself Abu Dawud (sunnah)(A.D. 832?) Quote from Imam Muhammad Baqir (676-743 AD) about Imam Mahdi Tirmidhi (A.D. 892) Ibn Ishaq (A.D. 768) Tabari (A.D. 929) Ulmar al-Waqidi of Medina (A.D. 822) Zamakhshari (A.D.1144) Abd al-Malik ibn Hisham (A.D. 828) Baidawi (A.D. 1292) Ibn Sad (A.D. 845) Ibn Kathir (A.D. 1301-1372) Ahmad ibn Hanbal (A.D. 855) Ibn Khaldun (A.D. 1332-1406) Amr ibn Sharhabil (Caliph 717-20 AD) Imam al-Mawawy al-Bukhari (A.D. 810-870) Sahih al-Bukbari Ibn Hazam (A.D. 994-1064) Ali Dashti Ibn Hajar - Isabah, or Dictionary of Persons who knew Muhammad Muhammad Ibn al-Rawandi, in The Quest for the Historical Muhammad Also, Alfred Guillaume best known/respected Western Scholar on Islam Also, Shmuel Berkovits book How Dreadful Is this Place! Also, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades Also, Ali Dashti: Twenty Three Years: A Study of the Prophetic Career of Mohammad Also, Islam and Terrorism and Jesus and Muhammad, by the former professor of Islamic history at Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt (Born a Muslim in Egypt/name changed to: Mark A. Gabriel, PHD) Inside Islam, A Guide for Catholics, Pages 61, 62, 69, Co-wrote by David Ali, Islam Apostate Quote from Imam Muhammad Baqir (676-743 AD) about Imam Mahdi Ibn Hisham, The Life of Muhammad, 3rd ed., pt. 6, vol. 3 (Beirut, Lebanon: Dar-al-Jil, 1998), p. 8 The Truth about Muhammad, Founder of the Worlds Most Intolerant Religion, by Robert Spencer The Kingdom of the Cults by Walter Martin & Ravi Zacharias, pages 445-447 Islam Reviewed by M. Ali, 2nd edition 1999 The Quran Unveiled, by Dave Miller, P.H.D. The Islamic AntiChrist by Joel Richardson Prophecies for the era of Muslim Terror - a Torah perspective on world events by Rabbi Menachem Kohen The Quran itself calls the Gospel of Jesus Guidance and Light The biggest threat to Islam is without a doubt the teachings of the true Prophet of Peace Jesus Christ. Islamic leaders go to extraordinary means to hide the Gospel of Jesus from Muslims. The fact that Muslims do not read and study the New Testament / the Gospel of Jesus is yet another contradiction in Islam. Question the dark side - the Islamic Fear of Christianity. Just as Satan wails at a crucifix at an exorcism - the Islamic cult member normally wails at the sight of the Christian Bible. A false prophet can always be recognized, because he attacks the true prophet. A false Bible can be recognized, because it contradicts the true Bible. Islam goes one step further. First Islam tries to gain acceptance by attesting to the truth and validity of both the Christian and Jewish holy books. But, it then clearly steps out of the light, exposing itself to its diabolical agenda, by contradicting and falsifying the facts and teachings in both these books. Also, question the dark side of a Religion such as Islam that requires you to only recite salah and prayers like the Namaz, in a language (Arabic) you do not understand. All Muslims, Arab and non-Arab alike, are obliged to pray in Arabic. Even if you do not understand a single word. Muslims are also required to read the Quran in Arabic, in order to attain any graces at all from Allah. It is not necessary that the person can understand even a word of what he is reading. This is what the warning means that Jesus left us with, when he said; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Most Muslims do repetitive prayers in a language (Arabic) which they do not understand. The mandatory recital - The Shahadah: Ash hadu ala ilah ha ilahlah wa ash hadu anna Muhammadah Rasullulah. Translated, it says; I testify that there is no god but allah and I testify that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. You cannot recite only “ I testify that there is no god but Allah “ and not include “Muhammad is the prophet of Allah “ . That is forbidden or ‘haram’. You must recite “ Muhammad is the prophet of Allah “. Ibn Tymiyyah a very well respected ancient Islamic thinker says; The Arabic language itself is part of Islam, and knowing Arabic is an obligatory duty. See a graphic example of the Christian idea of Jesus as our mediator and one with the Father (same light and substance) in this true Near Death Experience here Islam claims that Allah is the same God who was revealed in the Bible. . . . then if the Bible and the Quran have differing views of God, then Islams claim is false. Dont forget that Muhammad claimed in Suras 2:87, 29:46, 32:23, 5:44, 6:154, 6:155 that Allah confirmed the Torah (Taurat) and Christian Gospel (Injeel) (Surah 2:87, 5:46, 5:68, 29:46 and 43:63). So, if the Torah and Gospel are correct, all the errors in the Quran shown below make the Quran false.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 23:58:09 +0000

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