Jesus Christ brought a message about government. Like a - TopicsExpress


Jesus Christ brought a message about government. Like a broadcaster ahead of His time, everywhere He went, He preached—HE ANNOUNCED—the coming of the kingdom of God. He explained that it would be a WORLD-RULING, DIVINE GOVERNMENT that would smash and replace all the governments of men. But you have probably supposed that the governments of modern nations generally reflect God’s Way. This is almost everyone’s assumption. Yet, while God does, in fact, establish and remove nations—and leaders—this is not His world! This is why the Bible foretells the arrival of a SUPERGOVERNMENT to replace the confused, competing, inefficient and ineffective governments of men that are so powerless to solve any of the world’s biggest problems. How did the world come to be as it is? Why so much poverty, disease, hunger, pollution, ignorance and confusion? Why can the governments of men not get along, avoid war—and find peace and agreement? Why such constant instability, scandal and division among leaders everywhere? Why so much favoritism, antagonism between parties, ethics violations, political arm-twisting and lobbying, infighting, poor judgment, corruption, bribery, misrepresentation—and outright lying—in virtually all national governments? Why are there seemingly endless revolutions and military coups? Why no shortage of demagogues, dictators and revolutionaries, always promising to make things better, yet invariably bringing worse problems and conditions? Look at the governments of this world. Generally speaking, there are three types today—monarchies, dictatorships and democracies. Monarchies involve nobility—royalty—where bloodline is the key to succession of power. Through the death of a king or queen, a prince or princess ascends the throne. This cycle can last for generations or many centuries. History records that monarchies are almost always replaced, either violently or peacefully, with the king or queen often allowed to retain minimal power. Dictatorships and totalitarian governments are usually created through violence—by coup or revolution. They are often short-lived, with something similar replacing them. Democracies and republics are best described as collaborative, representative or parliamentarian, in that officials and leaders are elected, representing “the will of the people.” This involves a voting or balloting process in the selection of one candidate in preference to one or several others. This form is generally considered to be the best of mankind’s governments. Yet, the great 20th-century British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, called democracy “the worst form of government—except [for] all the other[s]...” This offers an amazing insight into how democracy really works, from an insider’s view. But, as bad as democracy may be, it is true that it is far better than any other form of government—when that government lies in the hands of men. Democracy does at least attempt to ensure more individual “freedoms” than other kinds of humanly devised government. In the end, however, none of man’s governments work either very well or for very long. Consider. God is calling people who are citizens of many different nations on Earth, and most who learn the truth in this age are privileged to live under the freedoms of a democracy. Of course, many have previously participated in the election of their local, state, provincial or national leaders. Yet this question arises: Should the new Christian continue to vote and participate in the politics of his country? A Christian is one who follows—who copies—Jesus Christ (I Peter 2:21; Phil. 2:5). Again, what would Christ do if He were on Earth today? Would HE participate in the governments or politics of men? What does the Bible teach about voting to select leaders—either in national governments or in the selection of church leaders in various denominations? And what about the Church that Jesus built? Christ would not vote, because He understands the origin of the governments of this world and who is behind them. Where did the governments of men come from? How did they originate? Who is behind them? Why is there so much strife and competition in the world today? Is this God’s world—reflecting His way, and His direction and guidance? Most theologians, religionists and churchmen blindly assume that it is. Therefore, they conclude that, as they usually put it, if “all Christians work together, in love and unity, to make this world and its governments a safer and better place for everyone [or for democracy and freedom, as some emphasize] we can bring peace, happiness and prosperity to all.” Many naively believe that if they can “fix the world”—or even just improve it—they can usher in God’s kingdom on Earth. Also, and even more naïve, is that many believe they can influence governments to become more godly. This is fantasy—a completely wrong view, and it is not what God expects or wants. Nowhere did Jesus say, “Go you into all the world and strive to make it a better place by becoming part of it.” Instead, He said, “Go you into all the world, and preach the gospel” (Mark 16:15). Christ did not come to fix or make this world better. He announced the COMING of a better world, made possible because of His government! And the Bible also commands, “Come out from among them [the world], and be you separate” (II Cor. 6:17), and further, speaking of society’s Babylonish ways, “Come out of her, My people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and receive not of her plagues” (Rev. 18:4). World punishment lies just ahead for those who carelessly reject God’s plain Word. This world is a condemned building. Built on a wrong foundation from the beginning, its weak underpinnings have eroded to the point of collapse under its own weight. It will soon be demolished, scraped away and replaced by a vastly better world and government—one infinitely better than the best parts of men’s governments put together! Blind, deceived men think they can bring about the kingdom of God through human effort. They see certain evil forces at work and feel compelled to “do something about it.” They assume that Jesus would be an “activist” striving to “make the world a better place.” Be honest! Haven’t you heard this many times? Haven’t you heard churches urge people to “get involved” or “take a stand”—or some similar thing—in order to improve national or world problems of one sort or another? (Read our booklet What Is the Kingdom of God? You may also read our book Tomorrow’s Wonderful World – An Inside View! to learn much more about the most important event that will ever occur on Earth.) Again we ask: Is this God’s world? Does HE want Christians to “make the world a better place”?
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 12:57:16 +0000

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