Jesus Christ says, Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me. (Mat - TopicsExpress


Jesus Christ says, Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me. (Mat 11: 29). This sermon of Jesus Christ is brief . yet it is comprehensively didactic . It is amazing, isnt it ? An unconverted Christian , who has not utilized the yoke of Jesus Christ (Christ Consciousness; Holy Spirit ; Grace of God) is using a human yoke to pull his or her heavy life cart alone. It is metaphorically compared to a single ox pulling a heavy cart full of loads .The heavy loads represent metaphorically the heavy burdens of human life . A single ox metaphorically represents the utility of head mind only. Jesus Christ admonishes all converted Christians to use his Yoke which is placed across the necks of two oxen instead of one ox. In other words, Jesus yoke is obviously more powerful than a single yoke. Single yoke metaphorically represents human will without the aid of God Will or Divine Wisdom. As a result, when human life is willed by Man alone, Man suffers consequently. Humanity without Divinity is ignorant and sinful . However , when human life is powered by both humanity (human will; head mind ) and Divinity (God Will; Heart Mind ) , the human-divine partnership is more efficient, more effective, more productive, more abundant and more blissful. Such partnership is righteous and holy. Two oxen pulling a single yoke is better than the same yoke being puled by only one ox. What do these two oxen represent metaphorically ? It represents the Unity of Double Truth. of head mind and Heart Mind Human life is perfected when it is directed and powered by Double Truth in lieu of only single truth. The Double Truth is universally and mathematically represented by (X + -X) which is the Unity of Polar Opposites ( Jewish Coincidentia Oppositorum; Taoist wuchi yin and yang ; Buddhist/ Neo-Confucian phenomena -Principle interpenetration; Monotheist creatures-Creator Unity) . We need two wings to fly like an airplane or drone. A balance of a Middle Position is crucial. The world is upset severely today because a single ox is applied to most of the human affairs. Jesus Christ like all other Tathagatas and Prophets does not teach only the Christians but all human beings . The different labels of religious adherents have divided the world . That Christian teaching is for the Christian only is misleading . This is equally true in other religions. Religion is all -inclusive originally.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 10:06:00 +0000

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