Jesus Christ set us an EXAMPLE TO FOLLOW(John 13:15)..But what - TopicsExpress


Jesus Christ set us an EXAMPLE TO FOLLOW(John 13:15)..But what kind of example did he shown?Being good man?!Let us read this,..Mark 10:17-18Good Master,what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?18And Jesus said unto him,Why callest thou me good?There IS NONE GOOD,but one,that is GOD..Even though Jesus Christ is God and good,He did not honor himself...35...IF I HONOR MYSELF,My HONOR is nothing......(John 8:54)...Although He is God he did not consider it robbery to be equal with God(Philippians 2:6)...John 5:19....The Son can do nothing of himself...John 5:30I can of MINE OWN SELF do nothing......for My Father is greater than I(John 14:28)..Here many verses Jesus sets an example of HUMILITY and not being a GOOD MAN(although He is being a God He is good)...But on the contrary the Scribes and Pharisees portrays the extreme..That they are good,wise,learned...Is not this happening today???Remember what causes Lucifer to fall down...Because of his beauty,wisdom and richness his heart is lifted up...So be careful my fellow brethren in preaching Gods word...When we accept the honor,praise and glory of men given to us after sharing the word of God,we accept the HONOR,which Jesus did not accept as a MAN...So therefore Jesus said to them,...Did I say You are gods,..(John 12:34),,because we accept the glory,honor and praise of men and we are regarded GOOD,WISE,BRILLIANT in the words of God...Jesus set the example of the children as an EXAMPLE of humility in many instances in the Bible,..He said,..Unless you become one of these little children,you cannot ENTER the KINGDOM of HEAVEN....We must not protray that we are GOOD and WISE,...only God is GOOD!!!)Even apostle Paul said,...For I know THAT IN ME(that is in my flesh)NOTHING GOOD DWELLS.....(Romans 7:18)....Apostle Paul was manifested in him the perfect example of our MODEL or FIRSTBORN which is Jesus....But now some preachers EVEN THOUGH THEY WOULD NOT ADMIT IT PERSONALLY,..assumed they are good,because they have been practicing to obey the commandments LITERALLY and calleth themselves good,because they have removed from them their past old ways or sinful nature of the LAW,.....which is just MORALITY,..which Christ said considered as OUTSIDE OF THE CUP...!!!So being a child we must totally depend on our Father..Because AS A CHILD,we(Christians) cannot do nothing!We do not know nothing except what the Father tells us to do and SPEAK that we SPEAK and Do only...We must not be wise in OUR OWN CONCEIT,IN OUR OWN BRILLIANCE,IN OUR OWN WISDOM,IN OUR KNOWLEDGE,...otherwise WE WILL BE LIKE GOD KNOWING GOOD AND EVIL(Genesis 3:22)..Otrherwise we will be seperated from God,..and the TREE OF LIFE(Holy Spirit) will be taken away from us and our SOUL will die(Genesis 3:3)....
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 01:44:37 +0000

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