Jesus: Come, My little children, follow Me, walk with Me on this - TopicsExpress


Jesus: Come, My little children, follow Me, walk with Me on this Path of Truth. Allow Me to guide you, allow Me to show you the True Path. Trust and have faith in Me, your God, and We, together, shall bring the Light of My Truthback into this world. I Love you, My children, and I stretch out My Hand in these Words and I ask you to follow Me. The time is short now and there are so few who are willing to help in this Work. I am calling out to you this day to come, follow Me and be My Hands, My Feet and My Lips. Guide My little ones back to the safety of My Fold. I Love you, My children, I Love you. Take on these Words of Truth and be the servant of Love. I Love you. Later Jesus: Come now, My beloved children, and listen to Me. Listen to My calls, hear My Words echo in your hearts. Hear My Lovesong for you, My child, as you read these Words. I am calling out to you, I am your God, I am the One who Loves you. Believe in Me, believe in My Love for you, My beloved child, and enter this Heart of Love that Loves you. I have given My All so that you can have Eternal Life, do not reject it. Do not listen to the lies of this world. Come follow Me. See My Love for you; look upon My Cross and see what I have given for you. Meditate upon My Love for you, My child, and you shall understand. I Love you. Later Jesus: Come to Me, My beloved, and seek rest within My Heart. Come, rest from the toil of this world. I Love you, My child, I Love you and I ask you to follow Me in truth. Do not just pay Me lip service but, let Me feel and see your love coming from your heart. If any man loves Me then he will do My Will, he will live My Commandments and My Father and I will dwell within him. Then, you may ask anything in My Name and it will be given for, all that you ask will be to the Glory of Our Father. Come, now, children, and take on these Words. Do not wait any longer for time is shortening very rapidly and you have not realised it. Look at how the days and the weeks fly by, time has been shortened for, if it was not so, no one would survive the onslaught of lucifer’s temptations. I Love you, My beloved children, and I ask that you come, follow Me. Walk with Me; be My child; be My Joy; be My Love to this world. I Love you.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 11:13:47 +0000

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