Jesus Declares He Is God READ! John 8 v 58 I tell you the - TopicsExpress


Jesus Declares He Is God READ! John 8 v 58 I tell you the truth, Jesus answered, Before Abraham was born, I am! In that staggering statement, Jesus not only established that his existence preceded the birth of Abraham, but by the construction of the language, he announced his deity. He not only knew the past and the present, but he spoke of the future as though he was presently seeing it. He continually pointed to his deity as well as his Messiahship by the way that he spoke with authority over all stages of time. Unlike Jewish rabbis who taught by quoting opinions of other rabbis; thus saith the Lord God, Jesus spoke to each issue directly and authoritatively in simple forthright statements. In one particular teaching, commonly called the sermon on the mount, Jesus reiterated several points of the law and gave his own teaching as the authoritative answer. For instance, he said, ‘You have heard that it was said, Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth. But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.’ Mat 5 v 38-39 The ‘eye for eye’ dictum was part of the Torah given by Moses. Jesus taught something that superseded it, thereby claiming an authority beyond Moses. Considering that God gave the law to Moses, how could Jesus dare to assert an opinion that went beyond Moses teaching? This was not merely arrogant; it was heretical, if he did not have the authority from God to back it up. Yet, in his teaching, Jesus showed no hesitation, no ‘maybe’ or ‘perhaps’ or ‘it seems to me.’ He told of the ancient past as though he had been an eye witness to it.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 12:48:24 +0000

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