Jesus: God or Prophet Mario, when he was working in a Muslim - TopicsExpress


Jesus: God or Prophet Mario, when he was working in a Muslim mosque as an Imam the Muslim priest, preached that Jesus Christ is not God. Then somebody from the crowd popped the question “Who is Jesus then?”. To know who Jesus really is, Mario went back and read the entire Quran once again, all the 114 chapters, all the 6666 verses in the Quran. When he completed reading Quran, he found that the name of the Prophet Mohammad was only found in 4 places, but the name of Jesus was seen in 25 places. That itself confused him a little. Why does Quran give so much preference to Jesus Christ? Second thing was that Mario was not able to find the name of any women related with Prophet Mohammad in Quran, his mothers name, wife’s name, children’s name, no nothing was there. In the entire Quran, he could only find one woman’s name and that was Mariam, the mother of Jesus Christ. Even chapter 3 in Quran is titled as ‘Family of Mariam’ and the chapter 19 has the name ‘Mariam’ itself. This made him all the more curious. Quran goes on to say even that Mary was born without original sin and her assumption to heaven is also specified clearly in Quran. 10 Points about Jesus in Quran Quran, chapter 3 verses 45 to 55 has 10 points about Jesus. The first thing is that Jesus is called the ‘Word of God’. Second thing is that Jesus is called the ‘Spirit of God’. And the third mention is the name ‘Jesus Christ’. Quran says that Jesus spoke when he was very small, almost 2 days old after his birth and that he created a live bird with mud. He took some mud, formed a bird, breathed into it and it became a live bird. This means Jesus can give life. Quran also says Jesus cured a man born blind and a man with leprosy. It also says that Jesus gave life to dead people. Jesus went to heaven. Jesus is still alive and He will come again. Jesus: A prophet even greater than Mohammed? When Mario saw all these things in Quran, he was just wondering what Quran says about Mohammad. According to Quran, Prophet Mohammed is not the Word of God, not the Spirit of God, never spoke when he was 2 days old, never created any bird with mud, never cured any sick people, never raised any dead people, he himself died and according to Islam he is not alive and he will not come back. So there is a lot of difference between these two prophets. Mario’s debate with his Teacher Mario was never calling Jesus as God, he considered Jesus only as a prophet but after reading all these, he learnt that Jesus is a prophet greater than Mohammad. To clear his doubts, he went to his teacher one day, the same teacher who taught him 10 years in Arabic College. Mario asked him “Teacher, how did God create the Universe?” to which his teacher replied that “God created the universe through the Word”. Then Mario asked again, “Word of God is Creator or Creation?”. Quran says Jesus is Word of God. If his teacher says that the Word of God is Creator, which means Jesus is Creator, then the Muslims must become Christian. Suppose if the teacher says the Word is creation, that will be wrong as he had already said that everything is created through the Word. If the Word is creation, then how did God create the Word? So he could not say the Word is Creator or the Creation. This made him so mad, he pushed Mario out of his room. Mario told to his teacher then that Word is not the Creator, not the Creation and that is why Christians say the Word is Son of God. Then his teacher asked Mario that if there is a son for God, Mario must show him the wife of God, as there is no chance for having a son without a wife. To this Mario responded stating some verses from Quran which says God can see without eyes, God can talk without tongue, God can hear without ears, and these are all written in Quran. If that is the case, then of course God can have a child without a wife. There was a huge argument and in the end, Mario took his Quran, put it on his chest and said “Allah, tell me what I should do because your Quran says Jesus is still alive and Mohammad is no more. You tell me whom should I accept.” After the prayer, Mario opened the Quran, not asking to anyone else, just to his Allah. When he opened Quran, he saw Chapter 10 verse 94. And that says “if you have any doubt in this Quran which I give to you, go and read the Bible, or ask the people, those who read the Bible. The truth is already revealing that.” So Mario goes on to say that If you ask him who made him a Christian, it’s not any fathers, sisters, bishops, cardinals, and not even Pope. But the holy Quran converted him to Christianity. Are we Slaves or Children of God? John Chapter 1 verse 12 says if anyone accepted Jesus, Jesus will give them power to become Children of God. In all the verses of Quran, Allah calls the human beings as slaves and Allah is master. Master cannot love the slave and slave cannot love the master. Even no one would like to be called by someone as a slave. But Quran says you are my slave. But John 1:12 says “But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God”. So immediately his heart said I need Jesus because I want to be a child of God. And from then he started to call God Daddy. Until then he never knew that he can call God his Daddy. The prayer Jesus taught us starts with Abbun , our God who art in heaven. Abbun in Arabic means “Our Dad”. Mario goes on to explain his immense joy and pleasure when he calls the creator of the Universe as his own Dad, that truly is an experience which can never be told, but which should be felt by ourselves. His family tried to kill him The rest of the above video interview goes on to explain the reaction from his dad and family when they learnt that he got converted to Christianity. They tortured him so hard and even tried to kill him. They did all these because its written in Quran in more than 18 places to fight with the non-believers and in some places in Quran its even written to kill the one who rejects Islam. As his dad and family strictly followed Quran, they went to all the extent of even killing their own son. When he wanted water, his brother came and passed urine in his mouth saying that is the punishment for him for believing in Christ. Mario’s miraculous escape Finally, with knife in his hands, his dad asked him to believe in Allah if he wants to live or die if he still needs Jesus. Mario chose to die in Jesus as he was confident that dying in Jesus name can bring him back, just as Jesus rose from his death. When he made this decision, suddenly a light fell on his forehead, an electric shock passed through his veins and he was so energized, from somewhere so much energy was flowing to his body. With that much energy, he pulled the ready-to-kill hands of his father and cried out JESUS. When he cried out, his dad fell on the ground and there was a big wound on his chest caused by the big knife which he himself was holding. There was bleeding and some kind of foam was coming from his dad’s mouth and he was screaming. Mario could escape from his room when all the family members rushed his dad to the hospital. Mario directly took a taxi and went to Potta. Thus he escaped from his family’s prison. This incident revealed to Mario that Jesus is still alive and among us, protecting him all through these 18 years after his conversion where there had been so many attempts on his life. His family even did a mock funeral ceremony of Mario and he has his grave in his hometown. Die in Christ Mario continues: If you believe in Mohammad and die, as you know, Prophet Mohammad died, people buried him and afterwards, we don’t know where he went. If you believe in him and die, you don’t know where you will go. There are so many Gods in our country, all including the many Hindu Gods, Buddha etc, they lived, created history, they died, people buried them and we don’t know where they went. So if you believe in all these Gods and Goddesses, you wont know what is your future. But Christ, who died, HE came back. So please have the hope that If you die in Christ, you will come back. So its better, be sure of death and that should be in Christ. To have eternal life, you need Jesus. Forgiveness of Sins In Islam, they offer animals for the sins that they committed. In Hinduism, there is birth and rebirth. In Christianity, Jesus took away my sins by his death on Earth and he will be saying to the Heavenly Father that this human is pure because I took away all his sins, he is purified now. So now you can take him to Heaven. So Jesus is my Savior. We did not write down the entire 34 minute video clipping of the interview into words here. So we request you to please watch the embedded video at the top of this article here or if you are reading this in an email, visit us by clicking on the article heading to go to our web page to play the entire video clip. THE TRUTH IS THAT JESUS IS GOD HOLD UNTO HIM
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 22:27:19 +0000

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