Jesus Made 25th December Christmas. (Daily Encouragement Plus - TopicsExpress


Jesus Made 25th December Christmas. (Daily Encouragement Plus with Ike Idegbema) “But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law,” (Gal. 4: 4) “The birth of Jesus is the sunrise of the Bible” - Anonymous We have come to Christmas celebrations season again; a season to mark the Birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. But unfortunately, one thing that many groups in Christendom struggle with and debate about in this season is the actual date of His birth. But this should not bother a true seeker of God, because anyone that has read the scriptures with an open mind can’t escape the deep meaning that “The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14). What should bother us is the fact that the Savior really did come into this sinful world as a child to give us salvation. It makes no difference to me whether His birth was December 25, September 30, January 6, or any other date; His birth suffices for me. Two children were trimming a Christmas tree set up in their living room by their father. As the boy hung a star on one of the branches, he said to his older sister, “I wish I had been born on Christmas Day.” “Why?” she asked. “Because Jesus was born on that day” “No, He wasn’t,” the sister replied. “When Jesus was born, it was just like any other day. HE made it Christmas!” WOW! Friends, December 25 did not make Christ, but Christ made it Christmas! The date of His birth is not more important than the reasons He came: life without limits, life more abundantly, and life eternally. The so many hymns, sermons, and articles written about our Lord are all proofs that He did actually came in this world. I am not here to prove the date of Jesus’ birth, but I agree with what the little girl told her brother because it does suggest a wonderful truth. I believe that our Lord Jesus Christ was not born on a special day that was already filled with religious significance. Christ’s birth gave the day true meaning- HE MADE IT CHRISTMAS! By this I mean that because “the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us”; salvation, forgiveness of sin, freedom from fear and guilt, peace with God and men, and hope for eternal life has become possible. The spiritual significance of December 25 is true because of our Savior’s birth. Without Christ there would never be a true Christmas. There are religious sects that deny the deity of Christ, yet feel that they are obligated to prove to the world that December 25 is not the correct date of His birth. My struggle with these groups is why bothered about His birthday if His deity is of no importance to you? A careful look at the account of His birth again, shows details facts that any informed person would readily identify with as reliable: The swaddling clothes, the manger, the shepherds’ visit directed by a star, all these serve to prove that the Son of God did enter into this world. There are unquestionable facts about this Savior: He lived a perfect life, He died a sacrificial death, and He rose from the dead. The exact date of His birth is quite a secondary issue, but that He came to dwell among men means everything. Humanity acknowledged these facts and to this end, all events are reckoned by the years before or after the birth of Christ. Someone wrote, “Even the centuries obey Him and swing their orbits around His cradle and date their calendar from His birth.” Like those shepherds, men and women in all ages acknowledged the Tiny Babe in the manger as the Savior of the world. Many heard the report of the Shepherds and were amazed, but they failed to view the baby in the manger as the Son of God. Likewise today, so many are unaware of the true identity of Jesus because of failure to truly view Him. It is fitting at this juncture, that we all stop at this season of the year to view Jesus personally and stop trying to prove His birth by the date of His birth, because no matter how we try, Christ cannot be proven, He can only be experienced!
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 09:15:43 +0000

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