Jesus My savior. I come to speak to you with love in my heart for - TopicsExpress


Jesus My savior. I come to speak to you with love in my heart for you as you have with me. You know my heart and I ask that you change what is not right. I come to you to ask for forgiveness today as any other day. I come to ask for your help with my spiritual confidence. As David went into battle with Goliath he had only the armor he was used to having. I too go into battle with the armor I have been given and that is the love of Jesus. I go into all my battles knowing I am protected. As they make fun of David and did not encourage him, I too get ridiculed and made fun of for the only armor I have. I now look to od to tech others to have the faith in him as I do at tis point. My Father God watches over me all the time. Knowing that I will conquer any and all my battles if I let God have his way. He is my creator, my redeemer, all that I am is he. Father God I am learning to be more humble everyday. I have come to know you and hear what you tell me. Listening to what you want is the key. I stand still and wait on you to order my steps. I listen to no choices other humans have put on me. Today my God I give you thanks for using me. I ask for repair as I am your broken vessel. Only you are prepared to fix me because you created me. Today my God this is my prayed to you. AMEN ! AMEN ! AMEN !
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 20:01:05 +0000

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