Jesus Said Satan Would Plant Lies in the Bible (Matthew 13:24-43). - TopicsExpress


Jesus Said Satan Would Plant Lies in the Bible (Matthew 13:24-43). One of the Satans lies printed in the New Testament is at Luke 14:26. It says: 26 “If any man come to Me and hate not his father and mother, and wife and children, and brethren and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple. Another instance is where Israel today claims to live in the promised or holy land. That is a lie. If you read Nehemiah 1 and Joshua 1, 6:19-21, the country of Jordan is actually the promised land and Israel never occupied Jordan. The true intent was for Israel to cross the Jordan River and settle in farming and sheep herding. God did not intend for Israel to break the commandments by invading Jericho or kill the people. Israels account at Joshua 6:20 was that God caused Jerichos wall to fall, but how do we know thats true. We have no other account of the incident but Israels account, as Israel killed every other witness to the crime. Why would the true God tell Israel not to kill at Mount Sinai, then contradict Himself by asking Israel to kill the people of Jericho at Joshua 6:19-21? God does not contradict Himself. It was Satan, not God, who lead Israel to attack Jericho and kill all its people. Moses did not follow Joshuas invasion of Jericho, but stayed behind. Therefore, we can conclude Israel never received the promised land from God because they invaded Jericho and by coveting and stealing Jericho, Israel broke the covenant it received from God at Mount Sinai. King David also warred with Arabs for many years and this brought discord, not peace, to Israel. Jesus came to save the lost sheep of Israel who were trapped in the discord of Israels aggression against its neighbours. We must be careful when reading scripture that were really have the truth. Jesus said, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. When Jesus said at Matthew 23:11, The greatest among you must be your servant, he did away with religious power structure and said we were all brothers, equal in the sight of God. We must place less emphasis on pastors, elders and Church leaders and more on brotherhood, because Jesus did not want a few Christians to gain prominence while others waned. Lets not follow the lie at Luke 14:26 to hate our brethern, but rather, lets hear Jesus true voice and command to love one another at John 13:35. What do you think?
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 19:19:30 +0000

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