Jesus, You are the First, and the Last. You are the Beginning, and - TopicsExpress


Jesus, You are the First, and the Last. You are the Beginning, and the End; Alpha, and Omega. You are Creator of Heaven, and Earth, and You surely are in Heaven. Jesus Christ, You are Amazing. There are no words I can truly think of that can describe such a Glorious Wonder You ARE. Heavenly Father, Creator of Heaven, and Earth; Blessed be Your Name Forever, and Ever. You are from the top of the heavens, to the bottom of the Earth. Father above You there is none. Jesus, I know that You are on THE Throne above all others. Your Courts are above all courts. Truly Father there is a Word that was in the Beginning, that was with You, and it TRULY was You. Father, Your Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us full of TRUTH, and GRACE. There is nothing like YOU; You who are with POWER, and Praise, Honor and Glory, and above All, You Truly Are. You can do no wrong. You are perfect, Jesus King, Messiah, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. Jesus Christ son of the living God, Your will is much wiser, and perfect then my own. I know my flesh more then I know my spirit. Jesus, You know both of me. I humbly ask for Your WILL in my life both in this kingdom, and Your Kingdom to come. As quick as lightening strikes in the east, and shines in the west, so shall Your coming BE. All things work for Your Glory, and Your Victory is already known unto our hearts, and Your Angels. Your Will above ALL. Thank You Jesus for my day yet again, and thank You for days to come. Feed me with Your meat; Your Word which is more feeling than any earthly food. Your Word which is sweeter than honey. Your Word which is calcium to my bones, protein to my muscle, and nutrients for my eyes, mind, and blood. Feed me Father, daily, before I even begin to look to this dying world for rotting food. Forgive me Father, please, for my iniquities; Known, and Unknown sins. Can You give me a heart of repentance, daily, so that I may learn the secret of true strength? Father can You have mercy upon the mind, and body of this unclean vessel? Jesus Christ, my Redeemer, can You send forth Your Holy Spirit so that I can enjoy the sweetness of death? Holy Spirit, please, can You crucify my flesh so that I may die, for YOU to become GREATER to me? I am sorry Lord for my rotten flesh, truly it deserves to die, and me, my Spirit to be burned of such blasphemy for partaking with the physical nature, and attributes of this rotten corpse. Can You forgive me Jesus, God, Father, ELOHIM? Have mercy, PLEASE, upon me GREAT and POWERFUL KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. Iam nothing, and You are Everything. Father I must learn the abundance of Forgiveness in order for me to consumed by Yours. Help me, Jesus, to find forgiveness in my heart for those that I have hurt, and have sinned against; Especially those who have sinned against me, and hurt me. Im far from perfect Lord Jesus, and You know me most of all. Can You open the doors of my unclean heart, and cleanse me for what is easily found? Can You clean the dark corners, and behind the closet doors so that I may -most of all- forgive myself, and be forgiven. Can You -above all- teach me to FORGIVE as You FORGIVE others. Jesus CHRIST! I have a heart easily tempted by every trick of the enemy. How many times have I fallen to temptation? How many more, should I continue? I have found pleasure, and love for the darkness of this world. Even in my findings of the inevitable of such things I have found a smile that will not leave. I fear for my life due to all of this. The road to temptation seems so easy to find, even though it is covered with darkness. Can You deliver me from all of it Lord? Can You strike down the curiosity of my heart, and mind, and put a hatred for sin as You carry down in my heart? Can You become a Light unto me in my dwellings of darkness, that shines so bright that the darkness is impossible to find? Deliver me Lord from ALL THINGS that hold me from You. Jesus, Father in Heaven, Elohim, Creator of Heaven, and Earth; Thank You for making a path of Righteousness paved with Gold so that my walk be made evident, and easy. Amen. Father All Things Are Yours. Everything Made in the heavens, and the earth, and under the earth were created for Your Pleasure. You are Worthy Oh Lord. To Receiver Glory, and Honor, and Power, and Praise. For You Have Created ALL Things. Thank You For Your Sacrifice, and You. Amen, and Amen. Blessed BE YOUR NAME FOREVER, AND EVER. HALLELUJAH.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 01:13:09 +0000

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