Jesus came to earth to give us a new heart. He declared that one - TopicsExpress


Jesus came to earth to give us a new heart. He declared that one day His Father would write His law upon our hearts, and today we can experience that. Its different then the law written on tablets of stone becusee it no longer works from the outside in, but rather, the inside out. This new heart is in fact His heart. However, if were not careful, we may believe we have moved forward in our relationship with Christ only to find we have simply changed to a new set of rules. These new mandates from Jesus are no more possible to keep than those received from Mount Sinai. Our only chance at obedience comes from having a redeemed and renewed heart. One of Jesus mandates for us is to love our enemies (Luke 6:24-45). When Jesus saves us, He gives us life and the ability to give that life to others. Look for ways you can be a distributor of this great life. Who are you enemies? Who has brought you pain, difficulty, or frustration? Rather than responding to your human enemies with judgment, respond with love. Do whatever is good for them, bless them, pray for them, and give them the grace they need. Live out the new heart of love the Father has given you . . . Kenny Chinn
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 14:26:27 +0000

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