Jesus did not come and die for only a few. It is God�s will that - TopicsExpress


Jesus did not come and die for only a few. It is God�s will that all men should be saved and that none should perish. The early church began as a trickle of the out-pouring of the Holy Ghost upon men. Only 120 were gathered in the Upper Room on the Day of Pentecost as the Holy Ghost came upon them like a might rushing wind. Those 120 began a revival that is continuing to grow throughout the Church Age. Along came the age of the Reformation and greater truth was revealed through men like Martin Luther and others. The great revival that began with only a few began to spread throughout the world giving birth to Protestantism and the revelation of the truth of living by faith and salvation by faith in the mercy and grace of God. The River of God continued to flow and would not allow the message of the gospel to die with a Pagan Church that relied on works more than faith in God. Down through history the River has continued its journey. The Blood of the Lamb has never lost its power and it never shall. At Azuza Street in California another great revival broke forth because men were seeking for the baptism in the Holy Ghost and that revival is still going forth today. Our own organization and several others were born of this great out-pouring of the Holy Ghost and on the river flows. The Bride of Christ, the Church, people like you and I, will not be stopped because the River of God is flowing stronger than ever. Around the world people are being saved. The river flows onward! The Russian Bear of Communism has collapsed and the gospel is being preached behind what used be blocked by the KJB and the Iron Curtain. The gospel is going forth behind the Bamboo Curtain of China and souls are being saved by the 1000�s. The Church will not go out of this age as some emaciated, weak and dying ember! The church is the Bride of Christ and will go out in a blaze of glory. Matthew 24:14, "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." That�s not a picture of a church that is sitting around doing nothing and waiting to be delivered. That�s a picture of the church as it stands under the mighty anointing of the Holy Ghost and defies the god of this world and steps out into the territory of the Devil himself to bring the message of the gospel to anyone and everyone who will hear. Satan cannot stop the River of God as it moves on. Satan and the Antichrist are destined to be washed away by its cleansing power. The River of God cannot be stopped. It is a flood of God�s power to cleanse the world. Has the River Washed You Clean? Have you made a Step into the Water of His love? There is only one limiting factor in the power of this River of God to cleanse. That limiting factor is your own will. God is a perfect gentleman and never forces his will upon any man. It�s up to us to accept His gentle offer and wade out into the river just as Ezekiel had to do. God wants to let the river flow in your heart today.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 02:39:41 +0000

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