Jesus friend of sinners We can judge (inspect fruit) but not to - TopicsExpress


Jesus friend of sinners We can judge (inspect fruit) but not to judge hypocritically. Spiritual people are to judge (discern) righteously between bad fruit (doctrine, works) using the Bible as the basis of the discernment. True spiritual Christians have the gift of discernment. They can supernaturally discern the source of the actions motives etc. In other words, they judge righteously. Judgment is never condemnation. If we condemn others, then we have moved beyond the realm of our delegated authority, and set ourselves up in Christ stead. Jesus addressed the Pharisaical spirit of hypocrisy that was so prevalent in His day and ours. We are only allowed to righteously judge others after a continued self evaluation and a complete Holy Spirit heart change. Its a total introspective. And then, if weve found that our attitude toward others reflects that we remember where God has brought us from, who we used to be, and that we are still sometimes flawed and fallible. Then our judgement is to put our arm around the sinner and point our finger toward Jesus and not at the sinner! The most dangerous thing that we can do is to drive a wedge between God and someone who needs Him. People sometimes try to take over the Holy Spirits role of bringing conviction. We need to defer the conviction process to God, pray for others and keep a mirror handy so that before we open our mouths, we can examine ourselves first. And even when we open our mouths, show grace and a willingness to see ourselves in that persons situation. This way we can avoid the holier than thou Pharisaical hypocrites stance, and instead let our words be seasoned with love and salt, and avoid the judgement from the true judge that sees the heart and motivation. With the measure we judge others, we will be judged by the same standard. That is both a comfort and a warning :)
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 10:09:15 +0000

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