Jesus has bought us with an incalculable price, assuring us that - TopicsExpress


Jesus has bought us with an incalculable price, assuring us that we belong forever to him. His body was broken, his blood poured out for us. Now in him - through him - to him we offer [our] bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God (Rom 12:1), a doxology of praise and worship to Christ Jesus. His incalculable sacrifice transforms into our incalculable joy! Ray Stedman’s book, Authentic Christianity states this well: The authentic Christian life is essentially and radically different from the natural life lived by a man or woman. Outwardly, it can be very much the same, but inwardly the basis of living is dramatically different. Christ is a part of every wholesome action, the corrector of every wrong deed or thought, the giver of joy and the healer of hurt. No longer merely on the edges of life, Christ is the center of everything. Life revolves around him. As a consequence, life comes into proper focus. Despite outward trials, a deep peace possesses the heart, strength grips the spirit and kindness and joy radiate abroad. This is really living! But the devil continually seeks to distract us from who we are in Christ, and from our function together as a Body, from simply trusting Christ to express his life and love through us wherever we go. Jesus calls us to “renew our minds” – to remember who we now are because of the finished work of Jesus Christ – and not get distracted.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 05:37:39 +0000

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