Jesus has risen and He is with us. Now that is pretty profound in - TopicsExpress


Jesus has risen and He is with us. Now that is pretty profound in and of itself. What I find even more profound, even more spectacular, is that this profoundness, His presence with us, His resurrection, His being alive and walking among us, happens every day of our lives. Not just on Easter, but the day after, and the day after that. All we have to do is pay attention. I read in Luke this morning, and I guess I was paying attention, because this time I got it…. I understood. Maybe I have always been too busy thinking about how beautiful the day was, or maybe trying to schedule my week or my days – whatever it was I missed this part of the message. It was the day of the Resurrection, and there are two men walking and talking about the events of the last few days. I can just imagine this conversation. “Hey Dude, did you hear what they did to that Jesus guy?” “Yeah, man, like what were they doing? What was that all about? I have heard this man speak and He is really good. Like, he fed a whole crowd and He always had the little kids running around him. A really good guy he was. It’s just too bad.” “Yeah, Dude, like sometimes those guys in the synagogue they have no clue what is going on here in the streets. We need someone to listen to us.” As they are talking about Jesus, Jesus actually walks up and speaks to them and they have no idea that he is there. They are in their own small world, and even though they are talking about Him, and talking about the miracle of this man called Jesus, they didn’t realize He was there. Oh, Wow…. How many times do we pray for God to show his face? How many times do we ask to hear from him? How many times do we say, “Please God, give me a sign so I know this is the right thing to do”? When He is with us, right here with us, the whole time. That is what the resurrection is. Jesus died for our sins and He has arisen and He is here, He is with us – all of the time. All we need do is pay attention. Be still and know. We are so busy planning our days; we are so busy contemplating the way things are going to be and the ways in which we should be doing them, that the moment just slips by us and we don’t even know it. One other point about this story that has enlightened my thoughts this morning is when Jesus realizes that these two followers do not even recognize him nor do they believe or remember what the prophets had foretold – it was in their history books – but they did not recognized the very moment that they had all been learning about and looking forward to. Jesus begins to teach them. He shows them the way. He provides the information that they need to take it all in, to realize what they have missed. I love it. When we mess up, and we overlook these things that we should recognize, Jesus is here to refresh our thinking. He says, “Peace be with you” (Luke 24:36). Peace is here with us. We simply have to remember the sacrifice, we need to be in communion with Him, we need to look for Him and seek His presence. He is with us – be still and know. Here’s the deal. It’s not all that bad – for God has told us that He is with us and He has given us His spirit that lives within us as a reminder. We don’t have to sit and wait patiently – it is with us. That is the message of the Resurrection – Resurrection Part 2. He is here among us, every day. Be still and know …. We serve a Risen Savior and He is in the world today – and every day.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 18:55:32 +0000

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