Jesus intended for us to baptize believers in His name (Luke - TopicsExpress


Jesus intended for us to baptize believers in His name (Luke 24:46-47), but what exactly does this mean? Why is it important that we baptize into any name? Is it a purposeless ritual? Is it a magical formula? I do not believe so. There is a theological reason why we are to baptize in Jesus’ name. Baptism is no mere outward sign of an inward work as many Evangelicals are proclaiming today. Baptism performs a spiritual work in the believer. It is part of the new-birth experience (John 3:5; Titus 3:5). Romans six explains the spiritual work that is accomplished at baptism. Here Paul explained that in baptism, one is identified with Jesus Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. We die with Christ in baptism, and in such a capacity, we become dead to the ruling-power of sin in our lives. Paul anticipated, from his previous emphasis on justification by faith apart from works, that the Romans might believe that they should keep on sinning in order to receive more of Gods grace (6:1). Paul countered such an idea on the basis of our identification with Christs death, burial, and resurrection by means of the rite of baptism (6:2-4). At baptism we become unified with Christ, and, in Gods eyes, experience death and resurrection with Christ (6:4-7). Paul’s argument is that what Christ did for us at Calvary becomes effective in our lives by being identified with Christ through baptism. Death did not have mastery over Jesus, so neither will it conquer us. We too will raise from the dead (6:5-7). Having died with Christ, sin no longer controls us, but rather righteousness (6:6-7, 10-11, 14, 17-20). If, after we have died to sin, we yield to the ruling-power of sin, it is because we choose to do so (6:16). How does the above truth transpire in the life of the Christian? How do we identify with Christ in this capacity? According to Paul, it is by being baptized into Christ, or with Him, an obvious allusion to Jesus’ name baptism (6:3-4). The significance of being baptized in Jesus’ name is that we are actually being baptized into the person of Jesus Christ, to receive the benefits of the redemption He accomplished for us. Saying, In Jesus’ name, is no magical formula, but it is symbolic of what is transpiring in the water as the believer exercises His faith in the spiritual work that God is doing at baptism. As Paul said, And [you] having been united with him [Jesus] in baptism, you also have been raised with him through your faith in the working of God, who raised him from the dead (Colossians 2:12). Naming the name of Jesus over a baptismal recipient is like using the power of attorney. We are acting in another’s stead. In this case, we are acting in, and identifying with the work of Jesus Christ at Calvary. Now for the salvation aspect of the issue. My position is this: All I can be assured of is that the Bible teaches we are to be baptized in Jesus’ name, the purpose of which is to identify us with Christ’s work on Calvary. If the way baptism is administered is important for spiritual and theological reasons, then we should want to be baptized correctly. We should follow the Biblical teaching. Yes, God does see the heart, but having obedience in the heart will always manifest itself in obedience in the body. If we take the Bible as our authority, we will want to obey its teachings in every matter, including how we are to be baptized. Because baptism is salvific (Mark 16:16; I Peter 3:21), we better be sure we are doing it right. This is not to say that in Jesus’ name is some magical formula, but it is to emphasize the importance of being baptized, and in the Biblical fashion. Knowing that the Bible teaches baptism in Jesus’ name, and seeing why it does so (theologically), I would not want to take any chances by shrugging my shoulders and saying, It doesn’t matter. It mattered to the Apostle Paul (Acts 19:1-6), and it should matter to us. Will those who are baptized incorrectly be saved? I sure hope so, but I am not their judge. All I know is what the Bible teaches on this subject, and that I need to (and should want to) obey that message. Those who are not baptized in Jesus’ name are in God’s hands, but the simple fact that most Christians are baptized incorrectly does not change the truth of God’s Word. Search the Word, obey the Word, and let God take care of all the what about so-and-so’s. You only need to obey and preach what the Word of God truly teaches.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 21:32:48 +0000

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