Jesus is not a sports star for us to watch win Championships, He - TopicsExpress


Jesus is not a sports star for us to watch win Championships, He is not a singer who sells millions of albums so He can be exalted in luxury, He is not a leader of earthly nations oppressing those being ruled, Jesus is not a banker charging us interest or selling us His gifts, He is not santa claus the easter bunny the tooth fairy or any other fairy tale story, He is not just something that works for some as a self help book, He is not a magician trying to fool us with smoking mirrors so He can get what He wants. Jesus is not a movie star or a model. He is not someone YOU can get mad at and walk away from. JESUS CHRIST IS the firstborn begotten SON of GOD our Father and HE cares for you. HE LOVES YOU more than any love you have for anyone. He is the truth. The way. the LIFE. He is the only way to our Father WHO IS LOVE. He is not entertainment. He is not HYPE. He does not end nor does He change. He was IS and always will be THE RIGHTEOUSNESS of GOD. our Creator. He is the ONE who knowingly gave it all so we may know what it means to LIVE and LOVE. SAFE IN HIS RIGHTEOUS right HAND. where NOTHING can steal our JOY. even in the storms of LIFE. HE IS with US. you do not have to pay to see HIM. You do not have to jump through hoops to know HIM. YOU will never be asked to do anything on your own when YOU walk with HIM. He will NEVER condemn you or harm you. He cares about the things you care about and will help you overcome the things that do hurt you. That hurt us all. Jesus is doing great things at all times. Rejoice. Giving thinks and doing good. He with us - YOU HEAR HIM. the voice of reason. THE TRUTH. YOU feel HIS love. YOU know HIS voice. All HIS sheep do. Come unto JESUS CHRIST and care about HE who CARES about You. He is the best ROLE model by example we have. He is worthy of HONOR praise and glory in all our lives. I pray you seek HIM and keep HIS name in YOUR mouth. Where He is not is where warring begins. Where the spirit of the Lord is ~ there is freedom. and Unity. Working together for the good of us all. Not competing or tearing each other down so we can have more or exalt ourselves above one another. Use your gifts and talents , and resources for HIS KINGDOM. FOR HIS GLORY. FOR HIS CHILDREN. HE IS FREE. YOU be TOO. Your works mean nothing. As we all work in vain where HIS LOVE is concerned. Saved by GRACE through FAITH alone. Thank you Jesus :) YOU are my Hero. My King And my everything. I have found LIFE in YOU. thank you for loving me. :) this day
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 21:42:08 +0000

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