Jesus looked hard at them and said, “No chance at all if you - TopicsExpress


Jesus looked hard at them and said, “No chance at all if you think you can pull it off yourself. Every chance in the world if you trust God to do it.” (Matthew 19:26 MSG) Now there is a powerful punch!! We can not do the things God calls us to do without God. We have to trust God! With God all things are possible. Can we make breakthroughs with our children? Absolutely! Through the power of God and His Word! Remember…the Word of God is not dead, it is ALIVE! It is the LIVING WORD! It brings life. But if it sits in the corner of the room and gathers dust, it is of no use. It’s like a soldier who keeps his sword tucked away in his sheath during battle. He won’t win the battle without it. I use the accounts of God’s Word to break through to my children. For one of my children who was struggling with adjustments of being placed in her third American adoptive home, it was God’s Word that broke through the fortress she had built around her heart. We had gone through weeks…no months…of this child raising an angry fist and conking her new siblings on the head. She would never leave time for the sibling to respond. She would dart up the stairs, retreat to her bedroom, and dive under her bed which was like a fox hole to her. You see, this precious child liked to stir up strife, but didn’t want to deal with the confrontation of the why behind it. The thing she didn’t know was that God planted her in a home that had a warrior mama who knew how to fight the battle. Every time she would do this, I would dart up the stairs after her, grab her feet as they were slipping away into the abyss, and pull her out. There was no more hiding in darkness. I would wrap myself around her and whisper words of truth into her ear. It couldn’t fail, right? The Word says, “and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” (John 8:32 NASB). My daughter needed to hear the truth. It didn’t need to be force fed. It needed to be heard in love…unconditional love. This would go on day in and day out. There came a point when as a family we were studying the Israelites and the 40 years of wandering and how the time had come for them to cross over into the promised land. It is an account that ended up being the truth of trust that would set my child free. On this day The Lord made my feet swift like eagles wings. When the daily dose of conking was issued and the quick footed teenager began ascending the stairs, I flew up at top speed. We entered the room simultaneously. I turned sharply and had her in the corner. I did not give her an opportunity to speak her words. “You are like the Israelites!” I blurted out. She stopped her struggle. Looked up at me with puzzled eyes. And said, “What?” I went on to tell her that she was just like the Israelites because she had been wandering in a desert for the past 6 plus years. I had her attention. I told her about her disobedience to God in not receiving the gift of family. So God allowed her to be in this state of wandering. She shifted her body as if to say go on…I’m curious. I went on to tell her that God had her at the Jordan river. You know the one…it was over flowing from the spring rains…strong swift currents that could sweep a person away and even drown him. That river represented all of her fears. All the turmoil in her life. But guess what, our family represented? We were the promised land! See God’s Word tells us that He provides a father for the fatherless. Guess what? We were it! Oh but wait. For our daughter there was a catch. You see, just like the Israelites, they had to trust that if the Levite priests would step into that raging river, God would part the waters. They had to take the initial step. TRUST! So I put it back in my daughter’s hands. This was something that she had to do. I assured her that we were on the other side of the river. We would be waiting with arms wide open. But she had to step in the river and trust God. It didn’t happen over night. It was a gradual process over a month’s time. But guess what. The fortress around her heart came plummeting down and she crossed that terrifying river. She came over to the promised land and we accepted her right in. It was then that she was receptive to dealing with her heart issues, but that is a story for another day! I tell you this to encourage you today. God and His powerful Word are what you need! Together it is the most powerful thing you can use to fight the battle…the spiritual battle of winning your child’s heart! Keeping my eyes fixed on Jesus! Sonya Responding in faith
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 16:25:24 +0000

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