Jesus , our Father, Papa, Daddy, Deliverer, Redeemer and Friend - TopicsExpress


Jesus , our Father, Papa, Daddy, Deliverer, Redeemer and Friend Thank You Papa for this day of Resurrection...The day when the tomb was rolled away and You conquered death, hell and the grave...You are the King of Kings and Lord of Lords..... Our hearts are humbled and overwhelmed by the depth of Your love for us....We come boldly and ask for greater understanding of Your love....That we understand the height, the depth, and width of Your love for us....You are the Good shepherd who leads Your sheep into green pastures....You do not want us to chained to a life of slavery to sin, to law, to unforgiveness, or anything else that keeps us from being complete in Your love....The cross paid the price and we were set free from all of that.....We are set free of condemnation, of the accuser of the brethern, of oppression, and disease.....because its Your love that sets our hearts free.... we are set free to forgive knowing we were forgiven much we are set free of oppression...knowing your yoke is easy we are set free of the law....because you fulfilled the law with your sacrifice we are set free of sin...because you are the perfect lamb who paid the price for all sin we are set free of condemnation....because there is therefore now no condemnation for those in Christ we are set free from the accuser of the brethern....he has no rights over our life....our robes are white by the blood of the lamb.. tonight we celebrate the freedom thats found in You...In your death, in your resurrection.. we celebrate that you deliver us from barren lands and take us to the land of milk and honey we celebrate that we are sons and daughters of Zion.....our names written in the lambs book of life... we praise YOUR Name ......and the works of Your hands... and when all else fades away will be YOUR LOVE we still proclaimm......that why we were yet dead in our sins.....You died for us..... amen and amen
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 01:57:02 +0000

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