Jesus replied, I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one - TopicsExpress


Jesus replied, I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6 NET) It is easy to forget or be unaware that what Jesus came to restore was Gods fellowship with man. It is easy to fall for the impression that Jesus came to restore our access to Gods blessings. We strive so much for His blessings that we forget what is really important. We are pressed on every side so hard that we dont think we can afford to get to know God, all that matters is persuading Him to surrender what we need to survive or overcome our affliction. We have unknowingly turned God into a santa claus whose only role is to come bearing gifts that we have not been able to get by other means. We try to make sure that we have done what is right according to santa so that we get what he has. No one is interested in spending time with santa and getting to know what he is like as a person, what he does is all that matters. We like the fact that santa doesnt ask questions and only pops into our lives to bless us and not judge us. We ultimately decide who santa is and he is always changing to suit our thought process at that time and what it is we desire. The reality is that God doesnt change. Only knowing what He does is extremely dangerous because it opens us up to erroneous interpretations of who He is and encourages us to view Him through our background, education level and current level of satisfaction. Our testimonies are more often than not about what God has done for us and not who He is. The actions of God that we get so excited about are actually meant to help us get to know God better but instead we take them as more revelation of His power. The devils plan is to always keep us looking at how we can benefit and not how we can get to know God better. Adam and Eve were deceived because they accepted the devils version of life that life was about them benefiting and that God was trying to stop that from happening. They were fortunate to realise that chasing benefits separated them from God: Too many of us dont realise that we are not close to God and we continue in our oblivion. The children of Israel knew about the acts of God. Unfortunately, they never pursued getting to know God and as a result, they perished outside of Gods promised land. All they really did was cry out for what they didnt have. They wanted comfort and not knowledge of who this God was who had rescued them. We have gone back to their way of doing things where we leave getting to know God to the Moseses of this world (men and women of God) who then cause us to access Gods blessings. We cry to them and they get God to do what we want. The devil tempted Jesus with things and not a knowledge of God. He knew that if he made things a priority in Jesus life instead of knowing who God is, he would have brought permanent separation between Christ and His Father and ended Gods desired fellowship. By declaring that He is the way to the Father, Jesus was declaring what our lifes mission is really about, getting to be one with the Father in all things. There are so many sources of power and help but only one leads us to get closer to God, Christ. Jesus was emphasising that we have to study His life if we want to see and understand the Father which should be our number one priority. He wanted it to be clear that our focus/ attention can not be on anyone or anything else but Him. May you not be satisfied with knowing and seeing what God can do. May you hunger and thirst to know who God is. May you be free of prioritising the things of this world and looking to know God so that you can get what you want. May you seek to know what God is like when there is abundance and when there is nothing. May you learn to enjoy His company just because He is present in your life. May your knowledge of God allow an ever deepening level of honest fellowship with God. Mugove Chiviya
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 04:40:11 +0000

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