Jesus revealed Testimony of young Indian whom Jesus - TopicsExpress


Jesus revealed Testimony of young Indian whom Jesus revealed Sayujya Thampuratti is a girl who is now his testimony with friends and people in India , she had a rare encounter with Jesus , who told him in an incredible way , when Jesus came to her, she never imagined that her life changed forever hearing the voice of Jesus which she called my daughter . Thampuratti Sayujya right, and be baptized in water . Photo courtesy of Paul Ciniraj Ministries . [ Laultimageneracion ] - Thampuratti receiving this term, which is used to distinguish a woman comes from a Hindu royal family comes from a country known for massive worship of many gods , and is considered as one of the countries with higher levels of religious practices . However, for Sayujya the path to salvation , had been cleaned in your life . In his remarks on his testimony , said : From childhood was an idol worshiper . I used to go to temples . I also kept all the idols of Devi Saraswati , Krishna , Shiva and Parvathy , Ganapati , Vishnu , Rama and Sita , etc , in my prayer room did Pooja ( that which is born of fullness ) for them every day, and was used to pray with them . One day when I was doing Pooja , offering flowers to the idols , one of my idols of Saraswati Devi fell from my hand and broke into pieces . It was very painful for me . I hit my head on the table and cried with a deep sadness . While crying someone touched my shoulder . I thought it was my mother . So I could not control myself and cried aloud . The person who touched my shoulder I called my son . I was impressed because it was the sound of a gentleman . Immediately I stopped and turned to him, but found no one behind me. I looked around the corners . But I was surprised because I did not find anyone. Because I was sure that someone touched my back and called me as his daughter . So I thought it was just a feeling . So I took the pieces of the broken idol and tried to put the pieces together . I could not repair the idol , so I went to mourn . Very clearly again heard the same voice , My son . When I look back . There was a bright light in canto.Dentro light , I saw the Lord Jesus. I quickly realized that it was Jesus , because many times I saw her picture in several places . Jesus said : My daughter , I am the way , the truth and the life , no one comes to the Father except through me . Believe me before these silly things and follow me . Automatically I knelt before him . Actually, it was the first time that double my knees in front of alguém.Antes only idols made prostration. The Holy Spirit made me kneel before Jesus . I confessed to the Lord and accepted Jesus as my Savior and Lord . After the incident , I took all the idols and threw it away. My father and mother were amazed: for they saw that I did good.they thought it was very angry . I will clearly shared my experience with Jesus. They became very angry and began a persecution against me . But every day Im getting stronger in my faith which is Christ Jesus my Lord. She also said that the ministry led by Pastor Paul Ciniraj with Mercy Ciniraj , had given him a Bible . And they showed biblical principles led to the baptism . She also said that through the ministrys website , which is sharing his testimony with your friends so that they too can believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior . Also, the girl asked for prayer and said : Please pray for my family and friends , so they can experience the wonderful salvation . Also pray for our ministry is experiencing critical financial crisis . The ministry known as Paul Ciniraj Ministries aims can evangelize India and on its website explaining that they need prayer partners , and colleagues to buy Bibles , where there is a lot of hunger for God in the region . In addition , volunteers can donate via PayPal to and mercyciniraj@gmail , or visiting the website of Paul Ciniraj Ministries for more details . laultimageneracion/2013/11/testimonio-joven-de-la-india-jesus-se-le-revelo.html
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 16:12:09 +0000

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