Jesus said that the kingdom of God did not come with - TopicsExpress


Jesus said that the kingdom of God did not come with observation...Yet, in Mark 9...He said there were some standing there who would not taste death till they have seen the kingdom of God come with I was considering this, I knew Jesus would not contradict as I waited on became so clear...Power represented the fact that the Power of the kingdom, would give evidence of its invisible presence...Rom. 14:17...Righteousness...Peace(with God),,,Joy Imparted into a believer when Jesus came into their Life...Paul said in 1 corn. 4:19...that there were those(in the body) who were running there mouths about things that they had no real knowledge of...Soooo, He said when He came He was not interested in there doctrine...but the power that was operating in their lives...20...FOR the Kingdom of God is not in word...BUT IN POWER...usually the ones speaking against this have little to none operating in their lives...the results of traditional teaching...excusing and accusing...God have Mercy.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 10:42:45 +0000

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