Jesus said we should love our neighbor like we love ourselves, - TopicsExpress


Jesus said we should love our neighbor like we love ourselves, this was a new commandment that came with the new covenant.. He didnt say, measure yourself with your neighbor and strive to be like him. He didnt say for you to look like your neighbor, or drive the same car as your neighbor or for you to be in competition with your neighbor! He said love your neighbor, the same way that you love yourself. And there in lies the problem, because of low self esteem, and lack of self worth not to mention all of the other bad characteristic problems and physical appearance issues (created by the world) that we walk with on a daily basis. We are unable to love ourselves, and the world has played a major part in this!!! Telling us we have to look a certain way, dress a certain way in order to fit the mold that it deems to be perfect...My Bible says that we are fearfully and wonderfully created, it says that God created man in His own image! If we can get pass how man sees us and start seeing ourselves how God sees us, then you will be able to drop all the baggage that the world tries to force on us. In turn, you will begin to see the beautiful creation that God made in you, knowing that God does not make any mistakes you will see that you are unique and one of a kind!...What if God, with His sense of humor saw beauty where the world saw ugliness (not saying that you are ugly, just follow the metaphor), remember He chose the foolish things to make the smart people look stupid!!! AMEN! Your job is to love yourself, love the body that God built for you, stop competing and comparing and start appreciating the fact that you have a body. WOW.. The love is there, we were born with it and once we learn to love ourselves we will begin to walk in this commandment. God is love, and if you say you have Him then actions speak louder than words....Be blessed Friend...
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 11:06:42 +0000

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