Jesus simply said: Today you will be with me in - TopicsExpress


Jesus simply said: Today you will be with me in Paradise…” Do you know what that says? That kicks over a whole bunch of sacred cows… That flies in the face of performance based Theology… Because this thief got saved without being baptized in water… he got saved without taking the “holy sacraments”… he got saved without going through purgatory… or receiving last rites...he got saved without joining a church… he got saved without signing a creed or a doctrinal statement or a pledge card… or ascribing to some man’s religious persuasion or denominational affiliation ... Jesus simply said: Today you will be with me in Paradise…” Hallelujah. If that does not tell you and me something about the utter simplicity of the Grace of God then we are much dumber than we think. If this does not illustrate for you and me that God wants us to quit delving into deep philosophies that do not amount to anything more than what the bird left on the pump handle...and instead to get caught up in the lovely simplicity of the Shed Blood of Jesus and the Grace of God and the loving hand of a Forgiving Savior that reaches down to the rankest sinner and plucks him from the jaws of a gaping burning hell… Then we have fallen woefully and immeasurably short of the Grace of God
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 19:42:43 +0000

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